Category: Language
How Does Texting Impact The Language Skills In Our Education Systems?
How Does Texting Impact The Language Skills In Our Education Systems? Since its invention in 1992, texting has become a universal staple. It has allowed us to go day by day to communicate with each other in a quick more efficient way. We use texting to be more direct, or even to let someone know…
Global Language: Advantages, Problems And Solutions
Global Language: Advantages, Problems And Solutions Today, English is used in some form by at least one person in three (Fishman, 1998). As Fishman (1998) notices, colonization is one of the main reasons for being English as a lingua franca. He continued that, from 1940 to 1990 more than half of countries which success to…
Role Of Language In Multicultural Teams
Role Of Language In Multicultural Teams While completing an exercise during the cross-cultural management class which needed us to rate certain factors according to their importance in selecting a leader to work on a project abroad, I had rated language as one of the most important factors that constitute a leaders ability to be successful.…
Logical Argumentation Enhancing Higher Order Language Skills And Logical Thinking
Logical Argumentation Enhancing Higher Order Language Skills And Logical Thinking An argument is a valid product of argumentative reasoning consisting of at least one claim and one premise. It is the process by which many claims are offered based on premises and one reaches a conclusion that is relevant and provides good grounds. Argumentation is…
The Impact Of Television And Texting On The Language Development Of Children
The Impact Of Television And Texting On The Language Development Of Children Text messaging is one example of interpersonal communication. People nowadays use interpersonal communication most of their time to communicate. Teenagers use text messaging as their number one way of communicating with their friends, family and even other people. The researcher decided to investigate…
The Peculiarities Of Dual Language Education
The Peculiarities Of Dual Language Education Language immersion is widely considered to be one of the fastest ways to learn a language. I personally can attest that it is very effective, having spent months living with Spanish-only households while attending Spanish immersion classes in Mexico. While that experience vastly improved my Spanish literacy, it did…
How Does Language Carry The Sense Of Self?
How Does Language Carry The Sense Of Self? We, the people, use language every day to communicate, negotiate, express feelings, etc. We can call the language as a system of different symbols such as; writings which allows us to communicate our ideas when we do not have the opportunity to express in front of an…
Does Shakespearean Language Hold Value Within A Contemporary Society?
Does Shakespearean Language Hold Value Within A Contemporary Society? Introduction William Shakespeares plays are considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature. His plays have entertained, stimulated, and been taught for centuries; however, our high school teachers may not have mentioned that many of Shakespeares iconic plays incorporate risqué humour, with crude…
Language Shaming Should Not Be Normalised In Malaysia
Language Shaming Should Not Be Normalised In Malaysia Last but not least, poor language proficiency is the final reason why language shaming should not be normalised in Malaysia. In his article, Galmiche (2018) reveals that group dynamic, teachers and peers are significant in sustaining and boosting learners motivation and positive emotions. For this reason, emotions…
The Mind’s Eye Of Language
The Mind’s Eye Of Language Traditional language manifests essential bonds through cultural identity which shapes ethnic domain and individuality. Communication empowers how ideas are contrived within society because of diversification and its impact on people. In Gloria Anzaldúas ruminative essay, How to Tame A Wild Tongue, she emphasizes how language and culture are inseparable and…