Category: Learning Styles

  • Multiple Learning Styles and Strategies

    Multiple Learning Styles and Strategies Introduction Available literature demonstrates that students use different styles, strategies, and preferences to receive and process information in learning contexts (Chen, Jones, & Moreland, 2014). The differences in learning style and preference have continued to attract increasing attention as scholars attempt to develop ways that could be used to align…

  • Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic Learning Styles

    Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic Learning Styles Table of Contents Summary of subjects learning style Exploration of preferred learning styles Comparison of two learning strategies Awareness of individual learning styles References Summary of subjects learning style The personal learning style that applies to this particular subject is to read/write methodology. The VARK analysis indicates that the…

  • Kinesthetic Learning Preference and Other Styles

    Kinesthetic Learning Preference and Other Styles Table of Contents Introduction Summary Preferred Learning Strategies Comparison Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Understanding ones preferred learning style is essential for every student because this knowledge gives individuals the idea of the model they should follow during their courses. Not only this technique lets a person evaluate his or…

  • Visual Learning Style and Its Application

    Visual Learning Style and Its Application According to the test results, I am a visual learner. I knew about it before this self-assessment, but I was surprised to know that my tactile scores were unexpectedly high, 25%. I often relied on my sight and did not notice that my kinesthetic sense was quite important. Since…

  • Learning Style and Reading Achievement

    Learning Style and Reading Achievement Introduction Learning styles are ways of learning which involve methods of educating that are specific to individuals thought to allow individuals to learn best. Through research, it has been identified that some people are favored by some methods of learning while others tend to favor some interactive modes of learning…

  • Auditory Learning Style, Its Features and Application

    Auditory Learning Style, Its Features and Application The learning style test scores were the following: auditory: 45%, visual: 25%, tactile: 30%. According to the test, I am an auditory learner. This information implies that it is easier for me to learn when I hear the information presented. Although it is partially true, I would not…

  • The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles

    The VARK Questionnaire: Learning Styles Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Learning Style Preferred Learning Strategies Comparison of Learning Strategies Awareness of Individuals Learning Styles Conclusion References Introduction The VARK Questionnaire is a helpful tool that is used to determine a persons learning style and to provide him or her with important suggestions regarding…

  • Multimodal Learning Style and Strategies

    Multimodal Learning Style and Strategies Table of Contents Introduction Learning Styles According to VARK Multimodal Learning Multimodal Strategies Importance of an Educator Learning Styles in Health Disciplines Conclusion References Introduction An individual style of learning refers to the preferred way in which people receive, process, comprehend and learn new information. The examination of learning modes…

  • Visual Learning Style and Improvement Strategy

    Visual Learning Style and Improvement Strategy Table of Contents Introduction Strengths and Opportunities An Improvement Strategy Conclusion Reference List Introduction I have assessed my learning style and it turned out I am a visual learner. Visual learners tend to perceive information better if it is presented in the form of charts, diagrams, pictures, etc. (Anderman…

  • Learning and Teaching Styles

    Learning and Teaching Styles Table of Contents Introduction Learning Styles Teaching Styles Conclusion Referencing List Introduction Advanced Education has in the recent past brought increased learning and teaching styles. The education sector has improved over the past years making it easier for learners to acquire information through different styles. The learning process depends on ones…