Category: Lupus

  • Analytical Essay on Situation with Lupus Disease in America

    Analytical Essay on Situation with Lupus Disease in America Pr5vi5w Lupus dis50s5 0fflicts m>r5 th0n 1.5 milli>n m5ric0ns 0nd >v5r 5 milli>n p5>pl5 w>rldwid5. 9 >ut >f 5v5ry 10 lupus p0ti5nts 0r5 w>m5n 0nd th>s5 in th5ir childb50ring y50rs (0g5s 15-45) 0r5 th5 m>st susc5ptibl5 0lth>ugh th5 c>nditi>n c0n 0ff5ct p5>pl5 >f 0ll 0g5s, b>th…

  • Systemic Lupus Erythematous: An Overview of the Disorder

    Systemic Lupus Erythematous: An Overview of the Disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematous Intro/An overview of the disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) is an autoimmune system, chronic, relapsing, provocative, and frequently multi-fundamental disorder of connective tissue, characterized by involvement of the skin, joint, kidney, and serosal membranes. Typically, the safe framework shields the body’s tissues from intruders.…

  • Analytical Essay on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    Analytical Essay on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Lupus erythematosus describes a collection of autoimmune diseases with several varying symptoms that may affect different body systems. Lupus erythematosus may present as a systemic disease or in a cutaneous form known as incomplete lupus erythematosus. Lupus may also be more extensively categorized into several subtypes. The most common…

  • General Overview of Lupus: Descriptive Essay

    General Overview of Lupus: Descriptive Essay Lupus What is Lupus? Lupus is a disease that occurs when your bodys immune system attacks your tissues and organs that can potentially damage many parts of the body. Lupus is a serious disease that can affect anyone. Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems …

  • The Overview of the Most Common Immune-Related Diseases

    The Overview of the Most Common Immune-Related Diseases There are many conditions that are faced by the population across the lifespan. At times, it may be difficult to cope with being diagnosed with a condition in the early stages, especially the conditions that are diagnosed at an early age between 18-25. It is extremely important…

  • The Overview of Lupus Disease

    The Overview of Lupus Disease ‘My Lupus was literally a matter of life-or-death, Said Selena Gomez, a celebrity who had been diagnosed with lupus. In 2017, This young singer announced on Instagram that she had a kidney transplant due to complications from Lupus. Now she has returned to the limelight as she sings in her…

  • With Lupus, Sleep Never Comes Easily

    With Lupus, Sleep Never Comes Easily My doctor sent me for a sleep study after my husband told him how loudly I snored. I tried to tell them that it wasnt that bad, but as it turned out, it was. The night of the study, they put a cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine on…

  • The Day You Find Out You Have Lupus

    The Day You Find Out You Have Lupus The day you find out that you have lupus is a day youll always remember. It sticks with you like remembering where you were the day Elvis died. It is like a dividing line between the normal days before and your new normal afterward. Everyone has different…