Category: Manufacturing

  • Medical Device Manufacturer Launching a New Metal Alloy Prosthesis

    Medical Device Manufacturer Launching a New Metal Alloy Prosthesis Table of Contents Introduction General Product Information Introduction of Stainless Steel to the Medical Sector Advantages of the Metal Impact of Outside Agencies Impact of Regulations Anticipating the Changing In the Market Conclusion References Introduction The medical sector is regarded as one of the most important…

  • Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing

    Oil Extraction and Standard Vehicle Manufacturing Oil extraction and standard vehicle manufacturing are examples of businesses that consciously avoid spending on environmental causes. Usually, oil producers do not have a question about the ecological harm since the damage is evident as the various benefits from the products. It is not only gasoline and fuel oil…

  • Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals

    Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals Table of Contents Total Quality Control Packaging and Labeling Approaches Biochemical Analyses 3D Printing Technology Conclusion References Creating conditions for the safe production of pharmaceuticals is a practice that has evolved significantly due to the introduction of modern approaches to the manufacturing process. As effective measures aimed to establish control…

  • Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry: Handling Products Back to the Manufacturer

    Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry: Handling Products Back to the Manufacturer Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The article titled Reverse Logistics in Pharmaceutical Industry investigates transportation mechanisms in the suggested domain and examines its problems. The paper primarily focuses on reverse logistics as a process of handling products back to the…

  • The Hydrostatic and Hydraulics System of Acme Manufacturing Co

    The Hydrostatic and Hydraulics System of Acme Manufacturing Co Abstract An industrial operations analysis plays a critical role in assessing the efficient operations of its different units. The following report presents detailed information addressing the prevailing circumstances of the fire suppressing and the Hydrostatic and hydraulics system of Acme Manufacturing Co. As an industrial assessor,…

  • T-Shirt Manufacturing: 4 Important Factors

    T-Shirt Manufacturing: 4 Important Factors Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Recommendation Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In accordance to Elliot, operation management is in its essence, scientific management involves a complete revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry  a complete mental revolution on the part of these…

  • Level 5 Manufacturing: Pros and Cons of the Mode

    Level 5 Manufacturing: Pros and Cons of the Mode Level 5 manufacturing entails the assembly of a desktop PC assembly, floppy disc, and fan. This mode has many disadvantages and disadvantages that are discussed here. First of all, the motherboard and chassis are built separately by contract manufacturers outside the United States. The chassis and…

  • Marketing and Manufacturing Strategies Role

    Marketing and Manufacturing Strategies Role Though the gap between the marketing approach adopted in a company and the production process that is viewed as the most adequate one in the same organization may seem rather large, the choice of a marketing strategy, in fact, defines the manufacturing one largely. The case study carried out by…

  • Capital Budgeting for Byron Manufacturing

    Capital Budgeting for Byron Manufacturing Capital budgeting refers to a process of decision-making by businesses regarding long-term resource allocation. It involves evaluating new projects and investments by analyzing the inflows and outflows of cash and estimating the expected return. Capital budgeting revolves around the concept of time value for money (Menifield, 2021). A decision needs…

  • Enhancing Manufacturing Quality and Performance With Control Charts

    Enhancing Manufacturing Quality and Performance With Control Charts Numerous techniques and technologies for continuous improvement have their roots in the industrial sector. This makes sense because mass manufacturing is, by definition, the creation of standardized goods in huge quantities, frequently through the use of assembly lines (Keats, 2020). The main objective is to efficiently produce…