Category: Michel Foucault
Madness And Civilization Book By Philosopher Michel Foucault
Madness And Civilization Book By Philosopher Michel Foucault In modern society, the dominant social account of madness, the attached characteristics, meanings, and treatment is monopolized by psychiatry and medicine, reducing the basis for its existence simply to biological differences. Historically, individuals were provided with socially produced images and descriptions of specific characteristics of madness and…
Michel Foucault: Panopticism And Social Media
Michel Foucault: Panopticism And Social Media Based on the theory of the Panopticon by Michel Foucault, this essay considers the view that the existence of power is intrinsically linked to the existence of resistance to it, with his idea being true for power within the media as well. I argue that power is part of…
Michel Foucault: Ideas Around Racism And Biopower
Michel Foucault: Ideas Around Racism And Biopower Foucault (1976) describes biopower as the mechanisms and techniques that manage and control the lives of a population. The powerful statement to make life, or to let die (Foucault, 1976), highlights two different ways of looking at biopower and the state. On one hand, the main objective of…
Michel Foucault Ethics Against Utilitarianism And Deontology
Michel Foucault Ethics Against Utilitarianism And Deontology Before Foucault, ethics was focused on the finding of oneself within a predetermined moral order or the creation of oneself in terms of a great transcendental ought. Thinkers like Bentham believe in an ethical theory rooted in an empiricist account of human nature. Benthams ethics reflects what he…
Michel Foucault: How Discourse Is Guided By The People In Power
Michel Foucault: How Discourse Is Guided By The People In Power The word discourse becomes a significant part of theoretical and academic discourse with Michel Foucault. Foucault explains how discourse is guided by the people in power: ruling elite or state and that through discourse the power is exercised by them. It is a discourse…
Foucaults Background and Conception of Carceral Continuum: Analytical Essay
Foucaults Background and Conception of Carceral Continuum: Analytical Essay Michel Foucaults 1977 work, Discipline and Punish, philosophically analyses the development of the modern penal system. Foucaults focus on the social contextualization of power relationships associated with punishment led to numerous new ways of thinking including the carceral continuum. He notes that the continuum acts as…
Michel Foucaults Two Registers of the Modern Machine-Body: Critical Analysis
Michel Foucaults Two Registers of the Modern Machine-Body: Critical Analysis In this essay, I will argue that Foucaults two registers of the modern machine-body the anatomico-metaphysical and the technical-political, although distinct in construction share a common purpose to achieve their respective goals. The approach they have in common is to dehumanize the body and…
Foucaults Background and Conception of Carceral Continuum: Analytical Essay
Foucaults Background and Conception of Carceral Continuum: Analytical Essay Michel Foucaults 1977 work, Discipline and Punish, philosophically analyses the development of the modern penal system. Foucaults focus on the social contextualization of power relationships associated with punishment led to numerous new ways of thinking including the carceral continuum. He notes that the continuum acts as…
Michel Foucaults Two Registers of the Modern Machine-Body: Critical Analysis
Michel Foucaults Two Registers of the Modern Machine-Body: Critical Analysis In this essay, I will argue that Foucaults two registers of the modern machine-body the anatomico-metaphysical and the technical-political, although distinct in construction share a common purpose to achieve their respective goals. The approach they have in common is to dehumanize the body and…
Analyzing the Twitter Platform of Norm Kelly Basing on Theories of Michel Foucault and Raewyn Connell
Analyzing the Twitter Platform of Norm Kelly Basing on Theories of Michel Foucault and Raewyn Connell Norm Kelly, a famous politician and councilor for the City of Toronto. Not only is he popular within the political community but is a well-liked and trendy figure within the world of social media. Norm Kelly belongs to the…