Category: Microeconomics

  • Foundation of Microeconomics. Country Analysis

    Foundation of Microeconomics. Country Analysis Introduction The three core economic issues which influence the decision-making and economic stability of the countries are What, How and to Whom. It is assumed that in different countries, manufacturers and distributors use different economic theories in attempting to fulfill preferences. The countries selected for analysis are Guatemala, China and…

  • Principles of Microeconomics

    Principles of Microeconomics Table of Contents Competitive Markets and Externalities Production, Entry, and Exit Market Structures Conclusions References Figure 1.1. Manufacturing Volume of Hamburgers and French Fries without Trade Figure 1.2. Manufacturing Volume of Hamburgers and French Fries with Trade Understanding a companys opportunity costs is crucial for identifying the optimal course of action in…

  • Microeconomics: Production, Costs and Profits

    Microeconomics: Production, Costs and Profits Table of Contents Economic cost Law of diminishing returns Marginal decision rule on the use of human capital and technology Benefits to the United States Advantages and disadvantages of being large References Economic cost Costs are defined as opportunities foregone when a decision is made; therefore, opportunity costs are costs…

  • Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt in the Context of Microeconomics

    Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt in the Context of Microeconomics Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt provides essential information about microeconomics that non-economics professionals need to know. The author provides examples of major economic misconceptions, public misinterpretations, and public policy failures. Mostly, the author talks about economic policies and their consequences. Hence,…

  • The Analysis of Microsofts Aggressive New Pricing Strategy Using Microeconomic Theory

    The Analysis of Microsofts Aggressive New Pricing Strategy Using Microeconomic Theory Introduction Monopolistic power is a profit earner for many companies. Monopolism still prevails despite the presence of government regulations against the formation of monopolistic power in the market, which brings deformities into the competitive scenarios. One of the vivid examples of the monopolistic dominance…

  • Microeconomics: Understanding the Concept of Price Theory

    Microeconomics: Understanding the Concept of Price Theory This paper will throw light upon the price theory which is extremely important to understand. Demand and supply play the most pivotal role in deciding the price of a commodity or a service. The same will be elucidated further with the help of Euro star which is a…

  • Microeconomic Theory: Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

    Microeconomic Theory: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Table of Contents Micro Economic Theory Global Presence Strong Brand Excellent Customer Services and Value for Money References Micro Economic Theory The micro economic theory is a function of many micro economical factors that relate to internal affairs of a given company. The micro economic theory is based on the…

  • The Analysis of Microeconomics of Sberbank

    The Analysis of Microeconomics of Sberbank Table of Contents Introduction Supply and Demand Conditions Trends in Demand over Time Impact of Demand for Currency Conversion to Sberbank Price Elasticity of Demand of Sberbank Cost of Production Overall Market Conclusion References Introduction Exploring the nature of the companys microeconomics is an essential part of developing a…

  • Microeconomics and Its Main Functions

    Microeconomics and Its Main Functions Microeconomics is the study of how individuals and firms make themselves as well off as possible in a world of scarcity, and the consequences of those individual decisions for markets and the entire economy (David A., 2004). In studying microeconomics, we examine how individual consumers and firms make decisions and…

  • Models and Structures of Microeconomics and Their Usefulness for Public Policy Implementation

    Models and Structures of Microeconomics and Their Usefulness for Public Policy Implementation Microeconomics focuses on the activities of individual agents within the economy like households, workers and businesses. However, because human beings are at the centre of microeconomic activities, it is difficult to understand certain economic principles when you consider their ever-changing nature. Thus, to…