Category: Minority
Essay on Internalized Oppression and the Culture of Silence
Essay on Internalized Oppression and the Culture of Silence How does the life, and death, of a person who was hung 168 years ago affect the lives of people today? The truth is, on the surface level it does not, but without looking at the politics of the time to find reasonings in their judgment…
Analytical Essay on Sula by Toni Morrison: The Neglect of Trauma and Mental Health on Minority Groups
Analytical Essay on Sula by Toni Morrison: The Neglect of Trauma and Mental Health on Minority Groups Upon reading Sula, by author Toni Morrison, readers are able to watch the discrimination that forms in the town known as The Bottom; however, as the story continues, readers must focus on how this discrimination perpetuates as they…
Police Brutality: Violence Against Racial Minorities
Police Brutality: Violence Against Racial Minorities I can’t bring myself to watch yet another video, not because I don’t care, but because we’re all just a few videos away from becoming completely desensitized. The public execution of Black folks will never be normal.(Andrena Sawyer). Police officers were once known as peacekeepers, but not unfortunately are…