Category: North and South
Realism and Illusion in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell: Critical Analysis
Realism and Illusion in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell: Critical Analysis The social-political novel and romance North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell examines the contradictions and real disparities that existed in Milton in the early Victorian era between the south of England, traditionally at the seat of power, and the north of England, which…
The Ways to Conquer the Victorian Doctrine of Thomas Hardys and Elizabeth Gaskells Heroines
The Ways to Conquer the Victorian Doctrine of Thomas Hardys and Elizabeth Gaskells Heroines The authors, Thomas Hardy in Tess of the DUrbervilles (TOTD) and Elizabeth Gaskell in North and South (NAS) convey their female protagonists as independent women who brim with confidence and reject the expectations of Victorian womanhood. Interestingly, in TOTD, Hardy does…
Analytical Overview of Industrial England in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Analytical Overview of Industrial England in North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell Historians study the past to help us better understand the past and avoid old mistakes. They reassemble the facts to create a picture of a time, a place or an event that may be completely foreign to the way we think and behave…
Discursive and Literary Analysis of North and South by Gaskell
Discursive and Literary Analysis of North and South by Gaskell Tess encounters Angel Clare who forms a relationship with Tess after agreeing to tutor her and who becomes a significant impact on her life. Hardy presents Tess as a powerful force as he creates a border between happiness and depression in her life. Mark Asquith…
Chartism Versus North and South: Comparative Analysis
Chartism Versus North and South: Comparative Analysis In Chartism from Carlyle, it deals with the conditions of the working class in England at that time. He also questions the laissez-faire policy that Adam Smith advocates in England. According to him, there is a social, political division between the upper class and the working class. These…
The Distinctive Features of Victorian Literature
The Distinctive Features of Victorian Literature Literature in the Victorian era is a response to the economic, political and social changes that have accrued in that period. Each of literature is only a difference in how faithful the record is, and in what point of view is the reaction and what values are advocated. The…