Category: Obesity
Obesity Management: Hypothesis Test Study
Obesity Management: Hypothesis Test Study Hypothesis testing is an essential part of the research, as it helps in making conclusions and recommendations. In evidence-based practice, care providers rely on research findings when prescribing treatment (Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 2018). This paper will show how a hypothesis test study can help inform evidence-based practice regarding obesity…
Physical Exercises as Obesity Treatment
Physical Exercises as Obesity Treatment Table of Contents Introduction Obesity Causes Physical Exercise Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Obesity is a chronic, recurring disease, and the prevalence rate of obesity in both economically developed countries and developing countries is comparable to the epidemic. The development of obesity is based on the fact of a prolonged, positive…
The Current Problem of Obesity in the United States
The Current Problem of Obesity in the United States In their speech, the speaker raises the current problem of obesity in the United States and describes what health consequences it carries. The purpose of this speech is to inform people about the current issue, as well as what effect obesity can have on health. The…
Obesity in Florida and Prevention Programs
Obesity in Florida and Prevention Programs There are two reasons why obesity is an important issue for consideration in Florida. First, the citizens of Florida, as well as the representatives of other states, need to understand that obesity is one of the main causes of health problems. Approximately 350,000 Americans die annually because of an…
Obesity as National Practice Problem
Obesity as National Practice Problem Table of Contents Introduction Local Practice Problem Exploration Ethical Considerations Change Models References Introduction The selected national practice problem for this discussion is obesity. From a global perspective, this health challenge impacts nurses by increasing the number of patients in need of exemplary medical services. Obesity triggers a wide range…
Obesity Prevention in Ramsey County, Minnesota
Obesity Prevention in Ramsey County, Minnesota Community Description This study was conducted at Ramsey County, Minnesota. Based on the 2000 National Census, the County had a population of about 511,000 people in 18 cities, one township, and two unincorporated areas within 170 square miles. This is the smallest County, yet among the most densely populated…
Link Between Watching Television and Obesity
Link Between Watching Television and Obesity Table of Contents Introduction Prevalence of Obesity Effects of Television Watching and Links to Obesity Risks Associated with Obesity Conclusion References Introduction Obesity has become one of the most rampant health issues among people of all ages in the United States. It is vital to understand what factors contribute…
Diabetic Patients with Obesity or Overweight
Diabetic Patients with Obesity or Overweight Table of Contents The Article Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion References The Article The article that has been chosen for the analysis is called Analysis of a sample of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: A cross-sectional study in Spain and it has…
Obesity Prevention in Young Children: Evidence-Based Project
Obesity Prevention in Young Children: Evidence-Based Project Table of Contents Summarizing Practice Issue Specific Aims of the Project PICOT Question Significance of the Issue References Summarizing Practice Issue The number of obese and overweight children is constantly increasing (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). However, the primary challenge is the scope of obesity-related health…
Obesity Prevention Advocacy Campaigns
Obesity Prevention Advocacy Campaigns The emergence of different health conditions that affect human beings explains why the issue of advocacy has been taken to the next level. This practice is embraced by different stakeholders and community members to take a position and initiate powerful strategies to influence every policy choice made in public and private…