Category: Performance

  • Unions and Performance Appraisals in Organizations

    Unions and Performance Appraisals in Organizations Is there still a need for Unions? Why? Why not? Operation of Unions has undergone a lot of transformation. Earlier, they operated as illegal organizations in the protection of the employee from exploitation through salary, wages, or remuneration. Later the law protected them, and therefore the history is a…

  • Silver Wheaton Companys Missions and Performance

    Silver Wheaton Companys Missions and Performance Analyze Silver Wheatons (SLW) mission and vision statements against the performance of the organization. Then, evaluate how well the company lives out its mission and vision statement. Provide support from the organizations performance in your evaluation. In summary, Wheaton vision is to: Remain a leading silver company. Continue giving…

  • Moving from Compliance to Performance Based Schools

    Moving from Compliance to Performance Based Schools Table of Contents Introduction The NCLB framework Shortcomings and remedies Conclusion References Introduction From its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal law, often shortened and pronounced as nickelbee has had its fair share of controversies. The law, which received major backing from the outgoing…

  • Personality Traits and Professional Performance

    Personality Traits and Professional Performance Literature Review Studies indicate that there is a strong relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational performance among individuals. Studies conducted among combat soldiers in the US indicated that high performers had more emotional intelligence than low performers, and thus were likely to be better performers at the workplace (Sala, Druskat…

  • Pay for Performance: Fact or Fable

    Pay for Performance: Fact or Fable Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Employees are the key drivers of any organization be it profit either making institution or charity organization. People working in any organization determine the success, market competitiveness, and future of that organization. This is the reason why in every organization…

  • Assessing Student Performance Before and After Course

    Assessing Student Performance Before and After Course As a teacher, one of my responsibilities is to provide my students with the necessary tools to assess their performance in my subject. This will not only help them to identify their weaknesses and track their general progress, but it will also allow me to see what each…

  • The Tempest Performance in St. Louis Review

    The Tempest Performance in St. Louis Review Table of Contents Introduction Staging, Lighting, Costumes, and Characters Mood Emotions and Feelings Conclusion References Introduction Plays are written to be performed on stage, although it may be fascinating and enjoyable to read them as works of literature. However, when watching a theatrical performance, one may get emotions…

  • Businesses Performance: Financial and Non-Financial Measures

    Businesses Performance: Financial and Non-Financial Measures Table of Contents Purpose/ Core Interest Literature Review/ Background Methodology/ Limitations Research Proposed Timeline Outcomes and Value Works Cited Purpose/ Core Interest The purpose of the present research is to evaluate the implementation of non-financial measures of performance in small and medium enterprises (SME) as a predictor of enhanced…

  • Safaricom Companys Structure and Performance

    Safaricom Companys Structure and Performance Introduction The success of an industry relies on the strategies formulated and developed to reach the customers within the component organizations. Services or goods are prepared or manufactured and supplied to customers through distribution channels. A business must spy its directions in a strategic way to ensure that all organizations…

  • Enhancing Work-Life Balance and Performance at the Home Depot

    Enhancing Work-Life Balance and Performance at the Home Depot Table of Contents Background Work-Life Balance in the Home Depot Impact on Employees Recommendations Reference Background Finding the balance between work and life is one of the major struggles people face nowadays. Many factors explain such a condition, but the most important among them are changes…