Category: Personal Experience
Important Event in My Life: Memoir Essay
Important Event in My Life: Memoir Essay An important event in my life was when I moved back to my farm in a new house. Before this event, I lived at the farm until our house burned down when I was somewhere around five. In between my house burning down and moving back to the…
Importance of Political Science in Our Daily Life: Persuasive Essay
Importance of Political Science in Our Daily Life: Persuasive Essay I am Dayang Nor Atika binti Johari@Juhri, a first-year student currently doing my second semester in International Studies. One of the courses that I take this semester is Political Science. In Dr. Mpawenimana Abdallahs Political Science class, I learned a fair amount of material. In…
Important People in My Life: Personal Narrative Essay
Important People in My Life: Personal Narrative Essay Its been a year and 5 months now since my nana passed, I am still so very sad. I think about this every single day there is not a day where I dont think about her, our memories, and her passing. My nana was very different she…
Informative Essay about Refugees Life
Informative Essay about Refugees Life I am a refugee myself and I escaped with my family at a young age to flee from persecution, violence, and war in Afghanistan. I am not here to bring in guns and to kill you all and neither am I here to spread messages to your children about the…
Important Experience in My Life: Reflective Essay
Important Experience in My Life: Reflective Essay Reflective report : The process leading to my choosing the placement I wanted to work on was very simple and easy. I originally was very excited to work on the client brief for the organization Dancing Cubs Ltd- a mobile play hire company that specializes in bringing childrens…
Law of Life: Critical Essay
Law of Life: Critical Essay When people talk about their life, what do you think about? Do you ever think about how fortunate you are? Why do your parents teach you certain life lessons? Well, every family teaches their children different lessons, and it is called the laws of life. Its the way someone chooses…
Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life Yours: Persuasive Essay
Kill a Cigarette and Save a Life Yours: Persuasive Essay In this era, cigarette becomes as one of the necessities in human life that must be fulfilled. Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) reported that Indonesia is the country with the most smokers in ASEAN which is 65.19 million people in 2016 (Widowati, 2019). The…
Trip to Korea: Personal Narrative Essay
Trip to Korea: Personal Narrative Essay With members of the Asian Students in Action cultural club during my sophomore year at Queens College, I had a trip to South Korea. The list of options to travel to were all in Asia, and ultimately the club members decided on Seoul over two months of planning for…
Does History Repeat Itself: Opinion Essay
Does History Repeat Itself: Opinion Essay Everything we experience in our lives will become history. History actually repeats itself. Our experiences are history, what we do now and what we do later will become history. We have the same history at the same time. It is like we are traveling from the past going back…
My America’s First Road Trip: Personal Narrative Essay
My America’s First Road Trip: Personal Narrative Essay Colorado is like my second home, and since I went there, it was a big part of my life because it was the first road trip as a family I took. One of the coolest trips in my life I have ever taken. I will probably never…