Category: Prejudice

  • Prejudice As the Main Theme in the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird: Critical Analysis

    Prejudice As the Main Theme in the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird: Critical Analysis Prejudice is a negatively biased opinion based on stereotypes and ideas not proven to be true, which is a main theme in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Prejudice may make one feel excluded, dejected, or inferior to others in society,…

  • Prejudice in Occupational Therapy

    Prejudice in Occupational Therapy In the work of an occupational therapist, prejudice is very relevant. Prejudice is a big issue in any health sector professions, as professionals are interacting with a wide range of people every day from minority groups. A study done in 1998 of the rates of prejudice among nursing students showed that…

  • Relationship Between Social Context, Attitudes and Prejudice

    Relationship Between Social Context, Attitudes and Prejudice Abstract Previous research on the dual process model portrayed that right wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social dominance orientation scale (SDO) predict prejudice in an independent context. RWA is believed to be in relation to threatening worldviews and SDO to be related to competitive worldviews. This study manipulates dangerous…