Category: Professionalism

  • Professionalism and Social Media

    Professionalism and Social Media The Internet revolution of the 21st century has changed the way people interact with one another. Additionally, it has influenced how nurses could communicate, especially through social media. The different platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, among other related communication channels, provide nurses with options to express their views on…

  • Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct

    Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Bibliography Introduction According to the November 2002 issue of Academy for emerging medicine on professionalism and code of conduct for physicians, professionalism is viewed as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. (p.…

  • Teaching Professionalism Article by Cruess & Cruess

    Teaching Professionalism Article by Cruess & Cruess The medical profession is unique from others as it upholds providing care to individuals as a service. Therefore, Cruess & Cruess, (2012) suggest that professionalism in the health industry is threatened by social changes and weak healthcare standards. The authors also explain that teaching professionalism in medical education…

  • Lewis Professionalism and Influencing Behavior

    Lewis Professionalism and Influencing Behavior Overview The Path-Goal theory of leadership illustrates the techniques used by leaders to encourage and give support to their subjects or followers in order to achieve laid out goals and objectives; this theory offers the path that should be followed to achieve the goals. Specifically, according to this theory, leaders…

  • Teachers Professionalism: Evaluation and Analysis

    Teachers Professionalism: Evaluation and Analysis Educators have always been a fundamental part of any education system. Being responsible for the delivery of the most important knowledge to pupils and their outcomes, these specialists play a critical role in the development of society. Today, teachers are also given great attention because of their impact on academic…

  • Understanding Student Professionalism

    Understanding Student Professionalism It is commonly thought that professionalism can only be discussed or evaluated within the context of work-related responsibilities. While this claim is true to some extent, at least traditionally, the current demonstration of value erosion and breakdown of ethics within the wider society has forced academic institutions to come up with both…

  • Appropriation and Professionalism in Corporate Governance

    Appropriation and Professionalism in Corporate Governance Assignment Corporations are a business form in which the owners are not involved in the day-to-day running of the business. This explains the phrase separating ownership from control. A management team is put in place to run the business profitably (Hooper, Davey, & Presscot, 2009). This team includes specialists…

  • Professionalism Definition, Concept, and Major Determinants

    Professionalism Definition, Concept, and Major Determinants Professionalism can be defined in the strict sense as the process of executing daily tasks in a specific, competent and accepted manner guided by the set standards (Freidson, 2005). The required standards are determined by ones environment, self and career and set by other succeeding professionals who have been…

  • Professionalism Perception: How It Is an Asset

    Professionalism Perception: How It Is an Asset Table of Contents Introduction Main text Summary References Introduction Principles of Organizational Behaviour 4e: Glossary by Oxford University Press suggests the following definition of professionalism: Professionalism is the process by which given occupations become professions, in the sense of attaining professional status (Oxford University Press 2005). Kultgen (1988)…

  • What is Military Bearing

    What is Military Bearing Military Bearing is one’s outward appearance that includes their uniform, hair, the amount of motivation they have and pride in their appearance. It is also the way you maintain your composure and contain your emotions at all times. Even when some might think it is necessary to speak one’s thoughts, that…