Category: Programming

  • 1st discussion: What are three applications of a geographic information system?

    1st discussion: What are three applications of a geographic information system? 2nd discussion: What are three advantages of natural-language processing?

  • Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis

    Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis Table of Contents Introduction Sensitivity Analysis Example Linear Programming Illustration of application of linear programming Real example Conclusion Reference List Introduction Sensitivity analysis and linear programming are important statistical tools of analysis when faced with the challenge of making a decision against series of constraints in business. As referred to…

  • Linear Programming Models Review

    Linear Programming Models Review Summary In business, linear programming models have the potential to be used in profit optimization. As evidenced in the article by Maurya, Misra, Anderson, and Shukla (2015), linear programming can be used to facilitate the integration of effective quantitative techniques to predict the need for profit optimization. Using the example of…