Category: Purpose

  • Statement of My Purpose to Become Part of Your University’s Student Community

    Statement of My Purpose to Become Part of Your University’s Student Community Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do, – Pele. Education is given extreme impetus in my family. Coming from a poor family, with a…

  • Statement on My Purpose of Postgraduate Education

    Statement on My Purpose of Postgraduate Education There are various factors that for which a person can be classified into which status he belongs to. According to me, I would rate education as the foremost factor. Having education in an institution comprising of high standards is essential. For having such education from such institutions, apart…

  • Statement of My Purpose of Studying at SAIT

    Statement of My Purpose of Studying at SAIT A dream doesnt become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work, – Colin Powell. This is the statement in which I strongly believe and have always inspired me to research and understand the possibilities for anything which I would have deemed beyond my ken.…

  • Statement of My Purpose for Applying to Southern Cross University

    Statement of My Purpose for Applying to Southern Cross University As long as there have been people in this world, technology and science have existed. Technology is a powerful force that helped in the development of civilization and is a part of our system of culture that reflects its values. The impact of technology is…