Category: Rape

  • Heroic Rape in Historic Art Exhibition



    Heroic Rape in Historic Art Exhibition Table of Contents The Theme of the Exhibition: Heroic Rape Chosen Works Exploration of the rape theme Display plan in the space Information to the viewers Appendix Works Cited The Theme of the Exhibition: Heroic Rape The theme chosen for the exhibition is Rape imagery depicted in art. Rape…

  • The Rape of Nanking



    The Rape of Nanking Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference List Footnotes Introduction War is the largest evil ever to have been invented by human beings. All the rage and horror of war is usually manifested in the treatment that civil citizens of the contesting countries get from their rivals. This aspect of…

  • How Philippine Culture Contributes To Rape Culture



    How Philippine Culture Contributes To Rape Culture In order to start the conversation of evidence of rape culture in the Philippines, the term rape culture must be defined first. According to Ann Burnetts paper on Rape Culture, rape culture exists when rape, or sexual assault, is normalized in society. The term rape culture originated in…

  • How We Encourage And Normalise Rape Culture In Our Society



    How We Encourage And Normalise Rape Culture In Our Society Raped and killed at 17, walking through a park. Molested since the age of 5 by a family friend. Brutally beaten, raped and killed at 21, walking home from a Melbourne comedy club. Sexually harassed by co-workers every day. Raped with a metal rod and…

  • How Rape Culture Contributes To The Prevalence Of Rape



    How Rape Culture Contributes To The Prevalence Of Rape Rape culture is the normalization of violent sexual acts and abuse. Without even realizing it, this society has turned into ones of prey and predator. Wild animals on the loose looking for release within its prey. All around people find themselves to be shocked and disgusted…

  • The Correlation Of Pornography And Rape Culture



    The Correlation Of Pornography And Rape Culture As society keeps changing drastically, so does the evolution of pornography and rape culture. Pornography itself has had many changes throughout time which has had lead to increase one of the most common crisis interventions that a victim can go through rape culture and psychological addiction on the…

  • The Faulty Logic Of Rape Culture



    The Faulty Logic Of Rape Culture A student employee attending Occidental College, ‘drove an alleged rape victim who was bleeding vaginally to a hospital’s sexual assault reporting center’ (Testa). While the employee was initially commended by her peers and superiors, several days later, ‘she was told by two deans that they saw her actions ‘as…

  • Essay on Zeus: Understanding Rape In Ancient Greece



    Essay on Zeus: Understanding Rape In Ancient Greece With the third wave of feminism and the inception of the #metoo movement the topic of rape, has been renewed in vigor in public conversation and discussion. Many contemporary artists have taken an active part in this renewed discussion; using their platform of artistic work to offer…

  • Date Rape: The Factors, History And Preventions



    Date Rape: The Factors, History And Preventions Pondering about date rape isnt the most pleasant thing to do, but necessary when willing to protect oneself and the people they love. 25% of the revealed date rape assaults are done by somebody near the person in question, for example, a current or ex or sweetheart, or…

  • Rape: Reasons, Impacts And Preventions



    Rape: Reasons, Impacts And Preventions Rape is known as a type of sexual assault which involves sexual intercourse or different structures of sexual infiltration carried out with a person without their assent. The action may be carried out by using physical force,coercion, Maltreatment of power or against a person who is incapable of giving valid…