Category: Revolution

  • Social Networking Media and the Revolution

    Social Networking Media and the Revolution Introduction In the 21 century, internet technology gave entrance to various internet tools. These tools have incorporated in bringing the world together through fast and efficient global communication. Acuff provides that the creation of internet tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube made information distribution from one to many,…

  • Print and Social Media in 2011 Egyptian Revolution

    Print and Social Media in 2011 Egyptian Revolution The Arab spring refers to the uprisings that took place in North Africa and the Middle East in the early 2010s. The revolution in Egypt took place in 2011 and led to the fall of the regime of President Hosni Mubarak (Alexander and Aouragh 891). Alalawi stresses…

  • The Role of Social Medias Influence on Revolution

    The Role of Social Medias Influence on Revolution The impact social media make on modern society is obvious and impossible to underestimate. It is a well-known fact that today the internet is much more popular and widely used than television. Many people spend hours browsing the net and visiting social networks such as Twitter, Facebook,…

  • Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted?

    Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted? Gladwell (2010) claimed that social media activism could make people pay attention to particular problems with low risk, but not as good as traditional activism because it does not lead people to sacrifice. Gladwell (2010) argued that the role of social ties is vital because leadership…

  • Cuban Revolution and Seven-Step War Model

    Cuban Revolution and Seven-Step War Model Introduction The Cuban Revolution can be considered one of the most famous events in the history of Cuba. The name of Fidel Castro is also known throughout the whole world. The revolutionarys actions towards the Cuban government reshaped Cuban politics and reformed the country. It is safe to assume…

  • The World War I and the October Revolution

    The World War I and the October Revolution Why did war break out in Europe in 1914?? Ans. After Napoleon was defeated in 1814, the death and destruction caused by the Napoleonic war created a lot of instability and disorder in Europe. To restore stability and to build peace among European nations, representatives of European…

  • Was World War One the Main Cause of the Russian Revolution?

    Was World War One the Main Cause of the Russian Revolution? Table of Contents Introduction Russian situation before the First World War The peasantry poor The concerns of the elite Tsar regime and change The 1905 Revolution The First World War Impact of the World War I on Russia Conclusion References Introduction The First World…

  • Georges Seurats Revolution in Neo-Impressionism

    Georges Seurats Revolution in Neo-Impressionism Table of Contents Introduction Georges Ideology Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte Bathers at Asnières Young Woman Powdering Herself Works Cited Introduction Georges Seurat is recognized as the pioneer of the Neo-Impressionist strategy, generally known as Divisionism, or Pointillism, an approach related to a flashing surface of…

  • Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Labor Market

    Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Labor Market Table of Contents Introduction The Fourth Industrial Revolution The Skill Factor The Horizontal Career Growth Working outside of the Office Reference List Introduction Brand-new technologies have become a critical element of the labor market and its working operations. They make it feasible for organizations to automatize…

  • How P&G Company Brought the Diaper Revolution to China?

    How P&G Company Brought the Diaper Revolution to China? Why Entry to the Japanese Diaper Market Failed The initial attempt by P&G to enter into the Japanese diaper market failed because it had not discovered the need to understand the needs of the consumers to make products that best suit them. They had confronted the…