Category: Science
All instructions are uploaded below in the files. Along with the full set of ins
All instructions are uploaded below in the files. Along with the full set of instructions is the format/outline that will help with breaking down each paragraph.
I have five patho topics that I need help organizing into a Word document to pre
I have five patho topics that I need help organizing into a Word document to prepare for my exam. I have individual transcripts and study notes for each topic, and I’d like to use the each topic transcript to write any key or additional points (that is not in the study note) and organize them…
Pick whichever you feel the most comfortable with! For this week, you will be re
Pick whichever you feel the most comfortable with! For this week, you will be researching one of the following methodologies: the use of chemiluminessence in detecting hepatitis; DNA amplification in N. gonorrhoeae; using HPLC in the determination of HgbA1C,; the use of mass spectrometry in clinical toxicology; and the use of Maldi-tof mass spectrometry in…
There are many neurological and neuropsychological disorders with pathophysiolog
There are many neurological and neuropsychological disorders with pathophysiology that continues to be researched due to uncertainties with pathogenesis of the disease. Select a disorder from this category and review current research on the pathophysiology of the disorder. Discuss the research findings and any implications for practice as an advanced level nurse.
Make a scientific poster from your abstract. The Poster must have the following;
Make a scientific poster from your abstract. The Poster must have the following; Abstract, Introduction, Method, Result, Conclusion, References
Please review all documents and let me know which topic you choose (use one of t
Please review all documents and let me know which topic you choose (use one of the topics provided in the paper guideline (“argumentative research paper 2” attachment). This is an argumentative research paper for a History of Science college course, senior level. Please see all attachments and read carefully as well as reach out to…
The Guidebook is in the blackboard content and has sections A-F. This assignment
The Guidebook is in the blackboard content and has sections A-F. This assignment MUST BE DONE before your 3D scene investigation. Read the guidebook and prepare: Section A: Investigations Tools: 5 essay questions and answers, it cannot be true or false. Section B: Arriving at the scene: 5 essay questions and answers, it cannot be…
Initial posting (IP) due Today before 9 pm (200-300 words). Research competencie
Initial posting (IP) due Today before 9 pm (200-300 words). Research competencies have been established by the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The nurse’s role in research is primarily based on their level of education. Responsibility grows as the nurse’s level of education increases from the baccalaureate,…
Discuss and demonstrate selected current practices in clinical chemistry. Discus
Discuss and demonstrate selected current practices in clinical chemistry. Discuss research of current methodologies(Pick one – You can choose which ever one you want): a. Colorimetric reactions b. Chemiluminessence c. Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Immunoassay d. DNA amplification e. High Performance Liquid Chromatography 1. Select a method from the following: colorimetry, chemiluminessence, enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay, DNA…
You will write and submit a review of the article, focusing on these five key ar
You will write and submit a review of the article, focusing on these five key areas: I. The Hypothesis of the Paper Describe the main idea or question the authors are trying to answer. Explain if the hypothesis is clear and if it makes sense based on what is already known in the field. II.…