Category: Sex

  • Sex in the Handmaid’s Tale



    Sex in the Handmaid’s Tale The handmaid’s story is an oppressed world that expands upon the tragic symbolism of women’s activist writings from 1970s. Atwood’s epic was written in direct response to the developing political intensity of the American strict right during the 1980s. It anticipates a bad dream future wherein conservative strict radicals have…

  • Sex Work and its Relationship with Local Authorities



    Sex Work and its Relationship with Local Authorities During the Late-Medieval period, London was established as a leading commercial city in Europe due to its dominance as a trader of wool, distributor of fine goods, and, increasingly, as a producer of luxury items. The capital also benefitted economically from a period of great military success…

  • Sex Work In China And Netherlands



    Sex Work In China And Netherlands Sex Work in China Historical Perspective of Sex Work Sex work has been a visible part of the Chinese culture throughout history for more than 2000 years (Zhou, 2006). Chinas first brothels were developed in the early 17th century B.C. as a way to increase the state income by…

  • Drug Abuse And Sexual Angst Of Teenagers



    Drug Abuse And Sexual Angst Of Teenagers Introduction Marijuana has always been known as the harmless drug in common circles. With movies and musicians glorifying it, many youngsters have taken up on this habit. The young perception is that as the marijuana comes from a plant, its supposed to be benign. The situation is even…

  • Shining Light On The Lives Of Sex Workers: A Step Towards Humanity



    Shining Light On The Lives Of Sex Workers: A Step Towards Humanity Abstract Sex work, is like any other profession in the world and the workers involved in such trade must be allowed to conduct their business freely without government intervention. That is to say, decriminalization of sex work is what is needed rather than…

  • Womens Studies Persuasive Essay: Sex Work Is Work



    Womens Studies Persuasive Essay: Sex Work Is Work Prurience, Titillation, Outrage and Disgusting are used to exemplify sex workers in legal, cultural and social discourses. Women working in the sex industry- whether it be pornography, erotic performances, brothel-work, street-work, or live webcams sit in the crosshairs of a remaining dispute regarding sexuality and health to…

  • Abstinence-Only Sex Education: Arguments For And Against



    Abstinence-Only Sex Education: Arguments For And Against NEGATIVE: Abstinence is a window of clarity through which one can better find one’s work and one’s mate.  Lance Morrow, an American essayist and writer for Time Magazine Introduction Hello Judge. My name is Preston Peterson, and I am the first speaker for the negative side of…

  • Sex Dreams From The Point Of View Of Sociosexuality, Gender And Erotophilia



    Sex Dreams From The Point Of View Of Sociosexuality, Gender And Erotophilia Previous research was preformed surrounding the topic of sex dreams and why they occur. Although dreams have been a source of fascination for people throughout recorded history, many questions remain about what dreams are, why we dream, and what informs the content of…

  • The Ways Of Treatment And Sentencing Sex Offenders



    The Ways Of Treatment And Sentencing Sex Offenders Due to the nature of their crimes, sex offenders are often the most loathed criminals. Even within the prison population, sex offenders children, families, and the general public are impacted when a sex offendeer is released. The affect of sex offenders in the community varies depending on…

  • The Problem Of Children And Youth Sex Trafficking



    The Problem Of Children And Youth Sex Trafficking What does sex trafficking mean to you? Is your definition of sex trafficking the same as mine or the person sitting next to you? The answer is yes, but how we think and define it is completely different for the each of us. Sex trafficking is when…