Category: Social Media

  • Social Media in Bahraini Decree Law 47 of 2002

    Social Media in Bahraini Decree Law 47 of 2002 Executive Summary Bahrain acquired its independence from the British Protectorate in 1971. Following independence, the countrys new constitution was ratified. The constitution provided for freedom of expression for the press within the media laws present at the time. However, some articles in this same constitution had…

  • Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends?

    Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends? Many people have hundreds of friends in their social network profiles, but the question is whether all these people on the list can actually be called friends. In his article, entitled The Quagmire of Social Media Friendships, Curtis Silver explores what the word friend means…

  • Unfollowing on Social Media

    Unfollowing on Social Media Social media is a truly unique phenomenon, which, once having started as a comparatively small concept, has grown to become a crucial part of every persons social life. In her article Its Time to Unfriend and Unfollow on Social Media, Nicole Dieker (2017) explains that the tendency to expand ones online…

  • Social Media and International Business

    Social Media and International Business Introduction Named as the all-time fastest-growing social media platform, TikTok is undeniably the most downloaded app globally. How popular is TikTok? This short video app snowballed during the COVID-19 pandemic when many users were forced to explore new platforms for their content and sought new connections with their online audiences.…

  • Social Media Regulation as Question of Century

    Social Media Regulation as Question of Century Table of Contents Introduction Social Network Regulations Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In the information age, access to facts and subjective opinions is the most valuable asset in the world. The biggest companies are constantly struggling to get as much insight into their customers as possible since good knowledge…

  • The Issue of Fake News on Social Media

    The Issue of Fake News on Social Media Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In this article, a thorough analysis of the relevant literature, through critical evaluation and synthesis has been made. Moreover, several major themes explaining the phenomenon of fake news have been identified. The author has proposed a theoretical framework…

  • Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Lanier

    Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Lanier Table of Contents Introduction Brief outline Positive aspects of social media Negative aspects The concept of self-effect Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Social media platforms are trapping more and more people into their golden cages. Although the vast majority of people are aware of…

  • Invasive Social Media & Data Security

    Invasive Social Media & Data Security Table of Contents Introduction Relevance of the Issue Using Personal Data Without Permission Threats from Cybercriminals and Fake Accounts Modern Data Protection Features: Alternative Position Refuting Argument Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the era of social media, millions of Internet users post individual information in their accounts and share…

  • Impacts of Social Media on Childrens Social Lives

    Impacts of Social Media on Childrens Social Lives Introduction The discussion of social medias effects on childrens lives has become a major contentious debate all over the world. Several types of research have linked social media with positive impacts on the lives of young people, although a few studies reveal its negative effect. The world…

  • Social Media Access and Use for Children and Adolescents

    Social Media Access and Use for Children and Adolescents Introduction It is undeniable that in todays world, technology is practically everywhere. From the phones in peoples pockets to smart fridges, innovation has made its way into the lives of millions over the past few decades, making it difficult to imagine life without it. Today, a…