Category: Socrates

  • Socrates Argument Concerning Virtue as Knowledge: Opinion Essay

    Socrates Argument Concerning Virtue as Knowledge: Opinion Essay In this essay, I aim to explain Socrates argument concerning virtue as knowledge while offering a rebuttal and finally taking a stance. Socrates argument concerning virtue as wisdom can be reconstructed and understood easier. After reconstruction, it becomes apparent that there may be an error in the…

  • Socrates’ Views on the Essence of Knowledge

    Socrates’ Views on the Essence of Knowledge Ever since Socrates made it his life mission to spread wisdom, much to Athens dismay, man has been perplexed with countless philosophical questions. Questions that, by nature, seem to have no distinct nor satisfying answers and as such impart feelings of discomfort and hopelessness to those who take…

  • Discussions on Chuang Tzu and Socrates Philosophies: Idea of Happiness

    Discussions on Chuang Tzu and Socrates Philosophies: Idea of Happiness Throughout history, great philosophers have explored the idea of happiness, two of these great philosophers are Chuang Tzu and Socrates. It can be argued that there are similarities and differences in their ideas. The following is a discussion on their ideas of happiness and wisdom…

  • Fearing The Unknown: Death in The Apology

    Fearing The Unknown: Death in The Apology Novelist Rossiter Worthington Raymond once said, Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. A horizon, by definition, is no more than the range of ones knowledge or experience. With this explanation…

  • Athens Executed Socrates: Two Axial Symbols at Odds

    Athens Executed Socrates: Two Axial Symbols at Odds In Don Nardos The Trial of Socrates, Socrates is quoted as stating, We should not be concerned about winning fame or political honors, but rather should try to gain more intelligence, to arrive at more knowledge of truth, and to develop finer character. His devotion to virtue…

  • The Portrayal of Socrates’ Beliefs in The Apology and Clouds

    The Portrayal of Socrates’ Beliefs in The Apology and Clouds In the Apology and in Clouds, we are shown two very different depictions of Socrates beliefs on the gods of Athens. In the Apology, we see a version of Socrates that is fairly unconcerned with the discussion of the gods, and more interested in the…