Category: Suicide
Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It
Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Essay Body Conclusion References Abstract The subject of assisted suicide is debatable in most nations around the world. Various scholars and medical practitioners offer varying perspectives on whether the act should be legalized. While focusing on the concept of assisted suicide, it is…
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Legalization or Not
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Legalization or Not Table of Contents Legislative Issues Ethical Issues Palliative Care in Relation to Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-Assisted Suicide in Cancer Patients Conclusion References Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is a type of euthanasia, which, in turn, is divided into several categories. Euthanasia can be classified as active or passive, as well as voluntary or…
Clinical Problem: Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients
Clinical Problem: Suicide Prevention in Geriatric Patients The clinical problem that will be considered in the proposed research consists of the challenge of suicide prevention in older patients, especially those suffering from terminal illnesses. In general, suicidal thoughts in older people can be viewed as a significant health concern; for example, in the US, over…
Suicide Assessment in Acute Pediatric Settings
Suicide Assessment in Acute Pediatric Settings Table of Contents Research Literature Research Design Sampling Intervention References Research Literature This section aims to analyze the existing literature and develop an evaluation of the material to respond to the main PICO question. In pediatric patients in an acute health care setting (P) does the use of suicide…
Legalization of Medically-Induced Suicide
Legalization of Medically-Induced Suicide Banner, D., Schiller, C. J., & Freeman, S. (2019). Medical assistance in dying: A political issue for nurses and nursing in Canada. Nursing Philosophy, 20(4), 1-7. Web. This article discusses the personal, political, and professional ramifications of the 2015 legalization of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada for nurses. While…
Legalizing Medically-Assisted Suicide
Legalizing Medically-Assisted Suicide Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Do life and death begin and end with an individual, God, or medical practitioners? The discussion on medically assisted suicide, MAS, has been taking unprecedented directions over the last few years, making it a controversial legal and ethical issue. According to the ProCon organization…
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments Against
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments Against Table of Contents Introduction Context 1st Con-Point 2nd Con-Point 3rd Con-Point Conclusion References Introduction In modern healthcare, there are many practices that polarize society, and physician-assisted suicide is one of them. Since the practice involves what many associate with an act of killing, the universal legalization of PAS has implications for…
Assisted Suicide: Different Views
Assisted Suicide: Different Views Introduction The debate surrounding whether to legalize assisted suicide, or not, rests with evaluating whether it is okay for physicians to help dying patients commit suicide, or not. There are conflicting views regarding this matter. While some people are against assisted suicide for religious reasons and because they are compassionate of…
Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It
Assisted Suicide and Humanitarian Way to It Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Essay Body Conclusion References Abstract The subject of assisted suicide is debatable in most nations around the world. Various scholars and medical practitioners offer varying perspectives on whether the act should be legalized. While focusing on the concept of assisted suicide, it is…
Medical Tourist Documentary: Tour for Physician-Assisted Suicide
Medical Tourist Documentary: Tour for Physician-Assisted Suicide Developed by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in 2010, the documentary film Medical tourist provides a story on the last days of Craig Ewert, a native of Chicago who goes on a tour to Switzerland for physician-assisted suicide. The story is quite fascinating but sad. First, the article…