Category: Superstition

  • Can Rationality And Superstitions Co-exist?

    Can Rationality And Superstitions Co-exist? Rationality, a term that basically means the art of thinking in a rational manner that is irrespective of illogical thinking and involves mere practical as well as theoretical; in general logical aspects of interpreting the concept behind the happening or an action that is to be judged or acted upon.…

  • A Correlational Study Between Neuroticism Trait And Superstition

    A Correlational Study Between Neuroticism Trait And Superstition Abstract This study investigated the relationship between superstitions and the personality traits of an individual in the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra population. 300 individuals completed two tests, one based on common superstitions found in the city and the other Big Five Personality Test. The samples were collected…

  • Prerequisites Of Superstition Behaviour

    Prerequisites Of Superstition Behaviour Step on a crack break your mother’s back, the number 13, the number 17, breaking a mirror, cross paths with a black cat. These are some of the most common superstitions among people in the world. As a child, you would hear your mother tell you not to walk under a…

  • Theme Of Superstition In English Literature

    Theme Of Superstition In English Literature Superstition is a valuable part of English literature. From Homer to Shakespeare, the supernatural is used to create a more interesting story. According to Merriam Webster, superstition is a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance or a false conception of…

  • Illiteracy Carries Superstition In Medicine By Lu Xun

    Illiteracy Carries Superstition In Medicine By Lu Xun Lu Xuns Medicine (1919) Presents the lives of ordinary Chinese people in the aftermath of the revolution. The theme of superstition runs strong, throughout the story. Faced with a situation of sheer despair, the central characters, Old Chuan and his wife opt for getting the blood of…

  • Superstitions Essay

    Superstitions Essay Several people are superstitious or participate in superstitious demeanors, even without being cognizant of these actions. More than half of Americans admit to being superstitious, according to a recent Gallup poll. Superstitious deportment is an action one engages in to produce a specific outcome, such as knocking on wood, avoiding a black cat,…