Category: Teaching

  • ELL Teacher Tasks: Programs and Implementations

    ELL Teacher Tasks: Programs and Implementations Table of Contents Introduction Federal Laws Federal Court Cases State Court Cases State Laws Meeting Legal Requirements ELL Instruction Models Conclusion References Introduction The legal environment has a significant impact on education because it establishes requirements and standards for schools and educational programs. When it comes to English language…

  • Sociology of Education: Teaching Methodology in UK and Poland

    Sociology of Education: Teaching Methodology in UK and Poland Table of Contents Introduction Summary Context Scope Research questions Research methodology References Introduction In accordance with established laws in the UK children of between 5 and 16 years receive compulsory education. This is the same case in Poland especially after undergoing reforms in the education sector.…

  • Teaching Practical Application of Theories and Research

    Teaching Practical Application of Theories and Research Table of Contents Introduction Main Text Summary References Introduction America has now moved past the explosive problem of racial desegregation and the controversy over progressivism. Now different issues are gaining increased attention: the teaching of creation and evolution, tax credits for private tuition, sex education and others. Recent…

  • Funds of Knowledge, the Book for Teachers

    Funds of Knowledge, the Book for Teachers The book Funds of knowledge, is intended to be useful for teachers and it will help them in formulating a set of courses for the students to make them perform well in their studies. According to researchers Luis Moll, Cathy Amanti, Deborah Neff, and Norma Gonzalez (2001), Funds…

  • How to Attract the Best Teachers into Teaching

    How to Attract the Best Teachers into Teaching Nowadays, there is an extreme shortage of trained and qualified teachers is a real problem even in the developed countries such as the United Kingdom and Great Britain. Good teachers have been always in demand since they are the basis of the high educational level of their…

  • Teaching Argumentation: Planning and Instruction

    Teaching Argumentation: Planning and Instruction Planning The short-term learning goals and related measurable lesson objectives for the two lessons described in this log There were several short-term objectives that were developed throughout the two lessons: The student had to learn how to state a claim. This short-term objective can be validated by the idea that…

  • Second Language Paradigms: Understanding Teaching Patterns

    Second Language Paradigms: Understanding Teaching Patterns MODELS ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Phonetics Develop the formation of words Develop their reading skills Develop their writing skills For slow learners, it may be discouraging. I.e. In cases where their fellow classmates scoff at them. Group work Impact confidence to students Develop their speaking concept Develop unity between the students…

  • Discourse in Language Teaching: The Genre of Letter

    Discourse in Language Teaching: The Genre of Letter Table of Contents Introduction The text The genre The Communicative Purpose Types of Content Conclusion Works Cited Introduction This paper suggests an example of genre analysis, which can be considered as a tool for investigating genre systems and teaching discursive competence. Genre analysis is an example of…

  • Service Evaluation of Teaching Practice in the Workplace

    Service Evaluation of Teaching Practice in the Workplace Introduction Education is identified as a key pillar for development in the United Kingdom. Recognizing the importance of education in human development, the government of the United Kingdom has been implementing various policies aimed at raising the standard of education in the country. Apart from compulsory education…

  • Teaching English Language Learners

    Teaching English Language Learners Table of Contents Introduction Teaching English Language Learners Strategies for Teaching ELL Ways a Teacher can maximize their Instruction in a Class with ELL Reference List Introduction Language proficiency is basic to learning any other discipline. Research has been carried out in the area of teaching the English language learner (ELL).…