Overview and Analysis of Nursing Theory

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Overview and Analysis of Nursing Theory


A theory is a concept or a group of related concepts that guides the nursing practice by proposing potential actions to be taken. According to Kerlinger, a theory is a set of interrelated concepts that give a systematic view of a phenomenon especially an observable event or act that is explanatory and predictive in nature (George 122). In this case, a nursing theory refers to the set of definitions, assumptions, propositions, or concepts that have been derived from a nursing model to establish a systematic way of designing interrelated concepts that can explain, predict, and prescribe medicine. This paper will focus on analyzing nursing theory, its importance, characteristics, and its common concepts.

The nursing theory consists of knowledge that can be applied to explain or even define the various aspects and concepts in the nursing profession. The nursing theory is very important for the nursing profession for it describes, explains, and predicts the nursing phenomena. The nursing theory does provide an effective foundation for the nursing practice thus helps in the generation of knowledge and giving future directions regarding the profession. On the other hand, the theory is important for it enables the professionals in deciding what they really know and what they need to know pertaining to their line of work. With the theory, the nursing professionals can distinguish the basis of their practice through the detailed information it provides. The theory provides the nursing profession with the right guidelines so to help in maintaining the professional boundaries.

Just like any other theory, the nursing theory does have certain characteristics which help in making the concepts fit in well with the profession. For the theory to be successful, it must have interrelated concepts that create different views when it comes to dealing with a particular issue in the field. The theory must be logical, general, and its hypotheses must be testable. For the nursing theory to be effective, it should have the ability of increasing knowledge within the nursing discipline which can be proved through validation of research. A good nursing theory should guide the practitioner in improving their knowledge (Meleis 1350). In this perspective, the theory should be consistent with the other theories and principles related with the nursing theory.

The nursing theory is determined and influenced by particular concepts including the patient, health, the environment, and the roles, goals, as well as the functions of the nursing practice. The many nursing theorists define and describe these concepts. According to the theorists, the most essential concept of these four is that of the patient since the nursing practice mainly focuses on the person or rather the patient.

According to George, since 1860 when Nightingale developed the bodys reparative processes, many theorists have come up with more concepts regarding the nursing theory (220). These theorists have based their work on specified principles including the practice theory, Metatheory, middle range theory and grand theory. Generally, these principles identify frameworks that are useful in the nursing practice.

There exists several Schools of Thought in the nursing theory; the Needs theory is structured in a way to help the individuals in fulfilling their mental as well as physical needs. The interaction theory concentrates on developing relationships with the patients to quicken their recovery. The outcome theory portrays the nursing practice as a force that changes to enable a patient to cope with their failing health. And the humanistic theory emphasizes on a patients self-actualization (George 232).


The nursing theory does have its own criticism especially with the fact that some nurses do not have the desired training and experience required in dealing with concepts of the theory. All the same, the nursing theory is related to the practice and to improve the nursing profession it is important to address issues related to this theory.

Works Cited

George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Education, 2011. Print.

Meleis, Anthony. Theoretical nursing: development and progress. The American Journal of Nursing 85. 12 (1995): 1350. Print.

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