The Beginning of The War Over The Treaty of Versailles

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The Beginning of The War Over The Treaty of Versailles

Would World War II have happened if the United States has supported the Treaty of Versailles?

Many factors attributed to the world powers once again being drawn into another world war. One of those influences was the The Treaty of Versailles.

Germany had no choice in drafting the treaty which included loss of territory, severe restrictions regarding limits to a standing military, and monetary compensation to other countries.

Treaty in Turmoil

This treaty weakens Germany through all the sanctions that were imposed and caused discontent among the United States and the implementors of the treaty.

The treaty did bring an end to the conflicts between the allies and central powers thus ending World War I.

The intention was to bring peace to the opposing sides with the hopes that it would avoid the possibility of another similar war.

For a treaty to be effective and long-lasting it must be fair for both conflicting sides. The treaty alliance members could not agree to a common ground as some of the members were open to fairer sanctions, peaceful and open dialogue but others mainly France wanted suppression and revenge of Germany with no consideration of its grievances

The German people were angered and expressed their dissatisfaction with the treaty as they did not feel the provisions were fair

The reality was that new conflicts emerged because of the treaty that could not be resolved which was one of the catalysts for Word War II.

The League of Nations failed

The forming of this peacekeeping organization was founded in 1919 with the goal of preventing future wars and implement policies. The intent was to work thru disputes by diplomatic means as it would act as the overseeing government with the role of resolving disputes with an open and fair forum.

Because the League lacked the ability to have an armed force, which would be needed to enforce policy resolutions and uphold imposed sanctions, they would have to depend on league members to provide these resources.

Because the United States was at the time the number one world superpowers and never joined the League of Nations and the unsuccessful attempts to form an independent body of armed forces meant that the failure of this organization was inevitable

World Superpowers can have an influence

The United States had both the military and financial might to influence world policy.

The United States did not agree with the treatys standing policies because it was thought to

Have negative repercussions for the United States and its foundation of our core values of democracy.

Had the United States pushed their influence with changes to the treaty that aligned more towards an open and democrat approach, Germany would have been more agreeable to the fairer conditions to the treaty.

The German people would have had more input and still have a country they could call their own, Adolf Hitler and his party may have never come to power thus World War II would have never happened.


World War II may have been averted if the United States had played a leading role in the drafting, and governance of the The Treaty of Versailles. If the treaty was built with opportunities of compromise that allowed Germany to save face along with the United States financial incentives, this most likely would have influenced countries who may not have wanted to be more forgiving to Germany to agree to a more diplomatic approach and opposed to a more restrictive position it would have been a high probability that Germany would not have empowered Hitlers rise to power.

Germany did not have what they thought was fair representation combines with Hitlers rise to power became the main contributors to the cause and advancement of World War 2

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