Blood Donation App Using Android

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Blood Donation App Using Android

The main aim of our project is to save lives of people by providing blood. A Blood donation search App using Android is developed so that users can view the information of nearby Donors. Our project is developed on two perspective i.e. patient and donor. We are going to provide authentication for the user such as registration and login for new user and existing user. A person is allowed to donate only 6 pints of blood. One pint of blood can save up to 33 lives. The number of blood donor is very less when compared with other countries

There are number of electronic blood donation centers for effective communication between them and medical facilities. None of the online blood donation center offers the immediate contact amongst beneficiary and them. This is the real downside of the current system. Here we propose a new and efficient way to overcome such outline. Blood donation app provider lists the donor in the city/area. Once the donor donates the blood it will automatically remove the donor detail for next three months. Our application helps to search for the nearby Donor available, instantly by tracing their current location using GPS by using Haversine Mathematical Algorithm.

It also verifies with the Department of Health and Welfare to ensure the donor medical case history. Our application reduces the time to a greater extent that is searching for the blood donor of the required blood group through the particular location. Thus our application provides the required information (results) in less time and also helps in quicker decision making. The main purpose of our project is to interconnect all the blood donating donors into a single network, validating, storing their data and information of blood and health of each individual


The main aim of our project is to save lives of people by providing blood. A Blood donation search App using Android is developed so that users can view the information of nearby Donors. Our project is developed on two perspective i.e. patient and donor. We are going to provide authentication for the user such as registration and login for new user and existing user. A person is allowed to donate only 6 pints of blood. One pint of blood can save up to 33 lives.

The number of blood donor is very less when compared with other countries. There are number of electronic blood donation centers for effective communication between them and medical facilities. None of the online blood donation center offers the immediate contact amongst beneficiary and them. This is the real downside of the current system. Here we propose a new and efficient way to overcome such outline. Blood donation app provider lists the donor in the city/area. Once the donor donates the blood it will automatically remove the donor detail for next three months.

Our application helps to search for the nearby Donor available, instantly by tracing their current location using GPS by using Haversine Mathematical Algorithm. It also verifies with the Department of Health and Welfare to ensure the donor medical case history. Our application reduces the time to a greater extent that is searching for the blood donor of the required blood group through the particular location.

Thus our application provides the required information (results) in less time and also helps in quicker decision making. The main purpose of our project is to interconnect all the blood donating donors into a single network, validating, storing their data and information of blood and health of each individual.


The main aim of this project is to save lives of people by providing blood. This project Online Blood Bank system using Android is developed so that users can view the information of nearby hospitals, blood banks. We have provided security for authenticated user as new user have to register according to their type of perspective and existing user have to login. This project requires internet connection. This application we are developing helps to select the nearby hospital online instantly by tracing its location using GPS. This application reduces the time to a greater extent that is searching for the required blood through blood banks and hospitals. Thus this application provides the required information in less time and also helps in quicker decision making.

Blood is an important aspect for all living things. It proves to be a lifesaving component in case of emergency requirement. There are number of web based blood banks which are available for communication between blood bank and hospitals. None of the online blood bank offers the direct contact between donor and recipient. This is the major drawback of the existing system. Existing systems are time consuming; require more man power and it is costly. This paper introduces comparison between existing system and improved system. The new idea will improve the existing system and it will move from conventional desktop system to mobile system. This paper introduces new features of improved system over existing system in many aspects. In this paper firstly we are going to explain merits and demerits of existing system.

In critical or emergency situations where accident occurs or during on-going treatments and surgeries etc there is urgent need for specific blood group. It requires lot of time to make the blood available and it is inconvenient during emergency situation, some rare blood groups are time consuming and difficult to arrange which are O- , AB- etc. In our country there is less awareness of blood donation, near about 20% of Indian population donates blood. In this project, we have proposed an efficient way to overcome problems in existing system.

We are using Global Positioning System (GPS) for tracking of nearest blood banks and donors. It requires GPS supported android device with application installed on it for the user.Donor will be prompted to enter an individual’s details, like name, phone number, and blood type. During the urgency of blood, you can quickly check for contacts matching a particular or related blood group and reach out to them via Phone Call/SMS through the app. Our app provides address of nearest blood banks and donors in your city/area by GPS tracking. A large number of people carry an android mobile phone, so we are developing an Android application which is low in cost, requires less time to find out blood banks and donors.

Availability of blood during emergencies is highly critical for every single living thing. There are number of electronic blood donation centers for effective communication between them and medical facilities. None of the online blood donation center offers the immediate contact amongst beneficiary and them. This is the real downside of the current framework. The existing frameworks are tedious; require more labor and expensive. This paper presents a correlation between existing blood bank framework and enhanced framework to improve the effectiveness. The new considerations may increase the efficacy of current blood banks and help to upgrade from ordinary desktop framework to portable framework. The proposed work further discusses the components of enhanced framework in numerous perspectives such as the data being stored, data for future applications like kind of blood groups being donated and received by the individuals.

Blood donation saves lives everyday at various situations. A blood transfusion may give them the energy to spend time with family and friends. Blood cannot be manufactured it can only comes as a gift from people. One person only allowed 6 pints of blood donation. One pint of blood can save upto 33 lives The number of blood donor is very less when compared with other countries. Here we propose a new and efficient way to overcome such outline. When we just touch the button donor the App will be ask you to enter an individual’s details like name, phone number, age, weight, date of birth, blood group, address etc.

At the emergency time of blood needed we can check for blood donor nearby by using GPS. Once the app user enter the blood group which he/she needed it will automatically show the donor nearby and send an alert message to the donor. In case if the first donor is not available it will automatically search the next donor which is present in queue. If the donor accept the request then an One Time Password (OTP) will be send to the donor to verify. Blood donation app provider list of donor in your city/area. Once the donor donate the blood it will automatically remove the donor detail for next three months.


In todays rapid developing scientific world technology has become a very important aspect of life. Todays generation is more depended on advanced technology than any other aspect. Today, most of the people use advance technologies in their daily life like Internet, Smartphone. So, our idea will make the process of searching blood donor in less time consuming by gathering all information of donor and receiver.

In these application there will modules for donor, Receiver and Health and Welfare Department. Donor has to register himself to use this improved system. For Receiver, no need to call in every blood bank to check the blood availability, they can search in our app itself. The development of a Blood Donation System depends on android-based application

Proposed system

Our system helps the people who are in need of a blood by giving them all details of blood group availability or regarding the donors with the same blood group.

Our application work 24×7 so users can get information of blood donor any time. Blood donor can also get registered and save life of other person.

Our system provide Authentication on the Donor by verifying with the Department of Health and Welfare Society and we also provide an Interface to validate the Donor.

Our system has a OTP verification and Validation of Donor so that no third person can enter into the database as a volunteer. Our system provide a Donor tracking and locating system using Global Positioning System, by using Haversine Mathematical Algorithm which find the nearest Donor. The Donor is sorted out with following constrains such as Blood Group, Rh factor, Last date of Donation and at last based on the Location.

The Donor can be contacted by a Call, Messaging and thus provide easy establishing of communication between donor and recipient.

Module Description

There are six major modules exist in the application:

Home Screen

The home screen consist of the two or more routines such as Splash screen, various health tips for donation and constrains to be followed for blood donation.

Donor Login

The Donor login module will consist of the various entity such as login id, login password, login button and forgot password or register if the user has not registered himself in the app.

Donor Register

This module will consist of the donor registration, i.e the registration of the donor will be done here and all the validation and verification process will take place in this sector of the module.

Donor Search

In donor search the recipient has to select the required blood group, Country, State, District, City and Constituency.

Result Screen

The result screen gives the output for the search module and from that the recipient can select the nearest donor so that the blood recipient could be saved.

Interface For Department Of Health And Welfare

The Department of health and welfare will approve the register with database so that the donor is allowed to be a part of the searched result.

Spherical Law of Cosines

In fact, JavaScript (and most modern computers & languages) use IEEE 754 64-bit floating-point numbers, which provide 15 significant figures of precision. By my estimate, with this precision, the simple spherical law of cosines formula (cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C) gives well-conditioned results down to distances as small as a few metres on the earths surface. (Note that the geodetic form of the law of cosines is rearranged from the canonical one so that the latitude can be used directly, rather than the colatitude).

This makes the simpler law of cosines a reasonable 1-line alternative to the haversine formula for many geodesy purposes (if not for astronomy). The choice may be driven by programming language, processor, coding context, available trig functions (in different languages), etc  and, for very small distances an equirectangular approximation may be more suitable.


The main purpose of our project to provide the security on data sets and provide fastest searching process. Defining the users personality can be used to improve numerous products and services. Digital services could be designed in accordances with reviewed personality. Hospitals, governmental departments on blood donating could use the personality data for conducting easy surveys, research about the donor detail for their need.

Our application reduces the time to a greater extent that is searching for the blood donor of the required blood group through the particular location. Thus our application provides the required information (results) in less time and also helps in quicker decision making. The main purpose of our project is to interconnect all the blood donating donors into a single network, validating, storing their data and information of blood and health of each individual.


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