Crucial Points In The Article Stuff Is Not Salvation By Anna Quindlen

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Crucial Points In The Article Stuff Is Not Salvation By Anna Quindlen

Quindlen, Anna. Stuff is not salvation. She argues that people waste their money on unnecessary things, stuff can temporally bring happiness and satisfaction. The author explains to her audience some interesting assertions about the consumer culture. Quindlen explains to the reader why stuff do not bring real happiness. I agree with some of the authors points to an extent, people need to stop wasting their money on unnecessary crap. However, the weakness of the article is the absence of evidence.

In the article stuff is not salvation, Quindlen Anna talks about American materialism. The author explains her readers many assertions about the consumers. In the first points she discusses that in todays society people follow trends; they waste their money such as clothes, toys, and appliances instead of things that matter. Then Quindlen argues the problem why Americans do not care their money. Also, People use credit card daily to buy unnecessary stuffs and they get into debt. Finally, Quindlen analyzes the difference between current and past consumers. She describes that people can live happier without unnecessary things. The authors intention is to try the involve readers with examples that happened in her childhood, family and friends to convince the audience that the subject is seen from her point view of a society full of prejudices and always wanting to have everything even though they do not need it.

People spend a lot of money on junk. I agree with her point because people waste their money buying things that they want but they do not need. For instance, Emely spend her money buying the latest iPhone instead of saving money for college tuition. Many people lean going to the mall during holidays deals such as Black Friday and Christmas. Persons buy cheap products and clothes that they do not need in those sales. Also, people lose interest in the products that they buy especially when the product is no lengthier part of the latest tendency.

I disagree with some of her criticisms. The lack of evidence in her article makes the audience tend to believe the article is a less reliable source of information. Quindlen does not use many accomplishments which can support her article. The author focuses too much in her observations. She only presents her personal experiences and predictions about the consumerism. By her reasons if the happiest people that I knew were rich I might the supposition that the money bring happiness.

Quindlen makes her readers think about the stuffs that they want but they do not need. People can buy whatever they want, but they need to stop buying junk. They can to learn how to control themselves from over-purchasing.

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