Drugs And Human Rights

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Drugs And Human Rights

This essay will not confirm or deny its concern to the use of drugs by anyone who wishes to do so; However, it will endeavour in elaborate an argument that compares different alternatives, which could possibly introduce a more fruitful way to deal with the violation of human rights of individuals arising from drugs influence; thus highlighting some well-known disadvantages, currently present in the efforts so far made to tackle the so called destruction of society by the existing evil living behind the veil of drugs, considering that the current status quo has given way to the evil to cause more evil, through great violation of human rights, exemplified in violent crimes, amongst discrimination, forced labour, and most important of all concerns, the one that leads to the death of great amount of innocent people, perhaps because those engaged in the current effort to reform the system, lack a broader and counterbalanced understanding of many benefits that could possibly emerge through implementation of an new Status quo, .

It has already been over one hundred years, since the first necessary steps were taken in order to eradicate drugs proliferation, and its derivative, through the cooperation of various Countries, in stamping out the illegal operation on distribution and consume of Opium. Therefore initiating what seems to be an endless process, which perhaps due to the singular status quo, based on a apologetic system, resistant to the implementation of a more innovative ideology, which consequently has caused immense detriment to human rights, as it has presented a variety of violation non directed to drugs itself but to punishment of under privileged part of society.

Initially, a great number of legal instruments were brought forward in short period of time, in common agreement by various nations; hence the creation of numerous treaties all the way from the treaty of Siam 1833 , being it, the first acknowledge treaty against opium as a contraband product, follow by few others, as the global concern related to the consequence of drugs distribution and use of it, had escalated . It seemed that most of the initial treaties aimed to eradicate narcotic, had been direct to one element of concern, which at the time had been Opium; and the punishment for the violation of these legal instruments, had been directed to States, as all sanctions applied for any violation would be on the Countrys detriment.

However, after a certain period, perhaps due to the lack of excuses for their failures to contain the spreading of drugs, as it had proved to be a great financial source for various States illegal activities, leading countries like China, that although delegating strongly against the consumption of heroine for its own citizens, had developed itself into a major exporter of drug, like heroine, in order to finance it communist ideology in japan .

And so, after over 100 years since the Treat of Siam 1833, when legal chasing on drugs through a treaty began, States decided to shift the imposition of the above mentioned sanctions, which had been directed to their own punishment, to the punishment of citizens, through the new Geneva convention of 1936, which criminalized anyones involvement with drugs activities. Being it, as it has been proved throughout the times, very detrimental to various classes of society in relation to violation of human rights, as the Evil hiding behind the veil of drugs, characterized by The 1961 convention on Narcotic Drugs, has strengthen itself in contemporary times, generating enough wealth to manipulate through corruption, institutions that are willing to look the other way, rather them accepting that the current status quo, fighting against the Evil, has been a failure since its implementation, and a new one should have been considered a long time ago, for the improvement of human rights in general; statement this, which has been endorsed in the past by some Latin American representatives, at the United Nations General assembly 2013, declaring that the fight against drug which had begun 52 years previously to that conventions day, had not borne the expected results .

Process that perhaps should begin by obliteration of the term evil from drugs, as such term may be very evaluative-destructive; hence allowing very little room, if any, for deviation , thus stamping Evil forever as Evil ; which consequently has blinded those endeavouring to destroy drugs influence, by ignoring many benefits that such industry could possibly bring to society, had it been properly controlled by serious institutions under government supervision; on that account stimulating social development in various realms of public life, that would be financed by new revenue, resulted from the good uprooted from evil .

Evil this, that so far, has endorsed the coercive actions of States towards drugs users instead of producers; while these so-called producers, have manage to enjoy supernormal financial benefits on the detriment of consumers, who find themselves trapped between a coercive system and underground economy, being unable to seek health treatment for their condition without dread a possible legal punishment. Moreover, there is also the lack of an alternative element for drug users, as there has been no endeavour, in the majority of countries to present an alternative product which may be safer and less expensive for those under such condition; being it considerably accepted by various countries regardless of its regime type, religion, ideology orientation or level of national development .

However, a great possibility for the introduction of such alternative, may be materialized, accordingly to various research that have been brought forward as evidence that, by targeting the abundant financial revenue generated by the global drugs market, through legalization to a certain level, add to the saving of large financial amount that currently have been spent to eradicate drugs, most certainly could eradicate not only problems caused by drugs illegality, which has currently based itself on a monopolist market with no contract protection, but also various social problems, such as education, which is an important social factor, that once improved into specifics area of society, would eventually contribute to a better understanding of the negative effect arising from the use of illicit drugs, henceforth contributing to is eradication.

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