Elder Abuse in the US Healthcare System

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Elder Abuse in the US Healthcare System

Elder abuse within the US has posed a threat to the elderly citizens; the situation has emanated in perennial harm to older adults. Types of elderly abuse include physical, sexual, neglect, financial, and psychological abuse. All these types have been occurring in all states of the US. Some of the manifestations of abuse have not yet been testified due to countless elders being terrified of communicating to families, friends, or the police regarding the violence. One in ten aging citizens recently received medicaments in the emergency department with numerous injuries and non-fatal assault. The statistical ratio indicates that elderly manipulation is becoming a public health agitate and economic delinquent. Overtly, domestic violence on older people results in increased death and health repercussions, such as depression, trauma, and mental illness. Therefore, deserting the elderly population in the United States is a factual danger that requires health concerns and strategic solutions to mitigate.

Research Question

How has elderly population in the US abused by the healthcare system?

Research Design

The research will implement various concepts to gather adequate literature review concerning the topic. Specifically, the technique used will be the online survey. A systematic review will be attained as the final results.

Research Method

Mixed research design will be relevant in attaining the data in US. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques of collecting data will be applied in this context. Specifically, the use of focus groups, online surveys, online questionnaires, and the use of online resources will be effective.


The primary hypothesis in this case suggests that abandoning the elderly population in the United States is a factual risk.

Result and Findings

In a research by Blackwood et al., 2019 reveals that the primary issue that resulted to elderly abuse in US medical practitioners did not concentrate on the issue of elder abuse. Rather, they perceive elder abuse as a distinctive sensation, thus failing to take vital accountability to support older individuals within the medical centers. According to Blackwood, it is imperative to acknowledge the need for more educational training about elder abuse. The training will license the Medicaid to report and detect the problem to the relevant administration, thus preventing the issue (Blackwood et al., 2019). Nonetheless, the findings from Patel considered that most caregivers and other long-term care facilities increase elderly exploitation in the US. Elderly abuse is practiced in nursing homes despite the government efforts in vindicating the problem (Patel et al., 2021). Finally, (Patel et al., 2021) articulates that the strategies used to monitor patients history include, screening tools, and physical exams.

The survey conducted by Stankunas et al., 2016 indicated that 26% of individuals above 60 years old living in the US encountered abuse. As a result, it contributed to intensive use of health care services hence increasing the health expenditures. The estimated sample during the research was about 433,256 individuals who were undergoing different types of abuse as elders (Stankunas et al., 2016). The resultant information directed that inadequate comprehensive information on the extent of elder exploitation act as a hindrance factor in preventing abuse within the US. Similarly, the report given by Truong et al., 2019 suggests that the healthcare setting has been identified as a tool for uncovering the case of elder abuse. The application of the disclosure process is used in this context to determine domestic violence for the elderly (Truong et al., 2019). Truong et al., 2019 claim that the disclosure process can be ineffective when the victims lack proper demonstration, and interest. Ultimately, the results indicate that engagement of the older patients will allow them to express their problematic matters to the medical personnel hence advising on the best alternative.

The assessment conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) depicted that domestic abuse has intensely amplified during the pandemic. The WHO provided a theoretical framework of the upsurge in elder abuse that may lead to serious physical injuries and psychological penalties in the subsequent years. The verdicts from the WHO illustrated that medical institution, nursing homes, and home caregivers affect the continuity of elder abuse (World Health Organization, 2021). Despite the challenge, the study offered alterations to prevent abuse among older adults. Specifically, the report suggests that intervention should be done among the caregivers, resulting in effective health and social services to the senior citizens. More so, partnering with other health organization and international agencies will deter the issues in US.

Annotated Bibliography

Blackwood, D. H., Walker, D., Mythen, M. G., Taylor, R. M., & Vindrola-Padros, C. (2019). Barriers to advance care planning with patients as perceived by nurses and other healthcare professionals: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(23-24), 42764297. Web.

The publishers aim to provide the survey of healthcare professionals and approaches related to senior citizens while providing a systematic report in primary care settings.

Patel, K., Bunachita, S., Chiu, H., Suresh, P., & Patel, U. K. (2021). Elder abuse: A comprehensive overview and physician-associated challenges. Cureus, 13(4). Web.

The article provides an inclusive overview and challenges for older adults. The review offers numerous categorical stages that correlate with elderly abuse. To overcome elder abuse in US, the article advocates that the development of psychological and emotional difficulties should be addressed for the senior citizens.

Stankunas, M., Avery, M., Lindert, J., Kalediene, R., Edwards, I., Di Rosa, M., Torres-Gonzalez, F., Ioannidi-Kapolou, E., Barros, H., Sauliune, S., & Soares, J. J. F. (2016). Abuse in the elderlycost driver in a health care system? Population Health Management, 19(3), 224225. Web.

The report provides relevant information on elder abuse and the cost drivers associated with the healthcare system. The research applied a different methodology of cross-national abuse that was conducted in 2009.

Truong, C., Burnes, D., Alaggia, R., Elman, A., & Rosen, T. (2019). Disclosure among victims of elder abuse in healthcare settings: A missing piece in the overall effort toward detection. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 31(2), 181190. Web.

The research analyzes how elder abuse is significantly experienced in the US. It reveals the number of instances of how older adults within the US. experiences mistreatment from family or health caregivers.

World Health Organization. (2021). Elder abuse. Web.

The publisher of the article includes the World Health Organization (WHO). The organization provided an overview of the approaches to extenuating elder abuse in the US. The article proposed that one in six individuals above 60 years experienced different forms of abuse within the community.


Deserting the elderly population in the US is a perceptible peril that requires health concerns and strategic elucidations to mitigate. According to the study, domestic violence on older people results in increased mental health, financial, and social repercussions. The research pinpoints that elderly abuse is allied to an increase in hospitalization. However, the main frame strategy of creating awareness while training for nurses and caregivers will curtail the issues of domestic violence. In fact, the plan will empower medical providers to intervene on the issue of elder abuse thus prohibiting the practices by implementing crucial rules and policies in the US.


Blackwood, D. H., Walker, D., Mythen, M. G., Taylor, R. M., & Vindrola-Padros, C. (2019). Barriers to advance care planning with patients as perceived by nurses and other healthcare professionals: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(23-24), 42764297. Web.

Patel, K., Bunachita, S., Chiu, H., Suresh, P., & Patel, U. K. (2021). Elder abuse: A comprehensive overview and physician-associated challenges. Cureus, 13(4). Web.

Stankunas, M., Avery, M., Lindert, J., Kalediene, R., Edwards, I., Di Rosa, M., Torres-Gonzalez, F., Ioannidi-Kapolou, E., Barros, H., Sauliune, S., & Soares, J. J. F. (2016). Abuse in the elderlycost driver in a health care system? Population Health Management, 19(3), 224225. Web.

Truong, C., Burnes, D., Alaggia, R., Elman, A., & Rosen, T. (2019). Disclosure among victims of elder abuse in healthcare settings: A missing piece in the overall effort toward detection. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 31(2), 181190. Web.

World Health Organization. (2021). Elder abuse. Web.

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