How Our World Is Changing: Narrative Essay

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How Our World Is Changing: Narrative Essay

The world is changing in my opinion for the worse. New features through graphics and history are continuously being created. Many thoughts are lost because as they change, they may never be uncovered. Democracy and freedom are controlled. The climate, as we know, is increasingly shifting to the worst possible situation it’s ever been in, stereotypes, and abuses are socially resilient as people fight, fuel animosity, bully each other, and justify what they should not do.

Discrimination and hatred are now circulating across the world. Groups such as the LGBTQ+ community are under attack. Their rights are being put under the Supreme Court to determine if they should repeal the same-sex marriage act. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. This quote from the Bill of Rights was misused by Californias Proposition 8. The right to marry same-sex couples was abolished by the plan, keeping citizenship discriminatory for an increasing population of people.

People are discriminated against based on race, place of birth, personal image, social-economic class, and religious views. Racism is a form of damage. There is a broad spectrum of concepts of racism, including bigotry, abuse, discrimination, and prejudice. This kind of fanfare is incongruous since there are no ‘superior species’, they are simply distinct. The attack on a group of people is natural and hardly shocking. America is a country of incredibly nuanced people. The United States is one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse regions in the world. Groups are indifferent, and each individual can be seen equally within and outside their borders.

I do believe that in time this world can change into something beautiful where everyone will be able to love who they want and not be afraid to be who they are. In a lot of time and healing, I think that there will be free health care and no flagrant and open racism in society. They will be open to new communities and lifestyles. When something strange happens, people are still going to hate one another and destroy each other. Hate in this world consumes people into darkness and sadness, I believe that if not only America but the entire world continues to be the way it is a horrible and nasty place then, that’s what’s going to kill off our society.

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