Parenting Styles: Infancy and Early Childhood

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Parenting Styles: Infancy and Early Childhood

Generally, a childs behavior is directly linked to the parenting approach being used by the respective parent. Each technique used has a corresponding impact on the well-being and development of the young ones. According to the work of Amy Morin (2022), there are four basic parenting methods that are most likely used by parents to control their children. The styles include authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. The mentioned approach affects the overall conduct of the child differently.

In authoritative parenting, parents have the tendency of setting specific rules and guidelines to be followed by their young ones. In case the children fail to adhere to the procedures, there are corresponding consequences. However, the guardians usually explain their actions to the children and at the same time allow the teenagers to justify their acts. The style improves confidence, increased happiness, and self-esteem which then positively influence the childs language development (Libretexts, 2021). The technique is vital and most parents prefer using it to raise their children.

The authoritarian parenting approach on the other hand allows guardians to have the final say about their children. In other words, the technique prohibits young ones from giving their opinions because the parents perceive it as a form of disrespect. The parenting method involves punishment as a way of correcting a childs behavior. Children subjected to such style are less independent, have low self-esteem, poor socialization, and feel insecure.

In permissive parenting, although the guardians provide their kids with guidelines there is no one to follow up on what the children are doing. They allow their young ones to freely approach them but never correct their childs wrong choice (Seasons of life, 2020). These parents tend to let their kids live a free life and can be involved only when a problem arises. In the end, these teenagers tend to have poor self-control and are adamant about following rules.

Lastly, in the uninvolved method parents have no rules for their young ones. They usually become detached and unconcerned about the childs growth. They tend to believe their kids can raise themselves without parental support. Most of these parents may have undergone various mental health problems at a young age. This style in the end produces the worst outcome with the kids being affected mentally and experiencing addiction problems.


Seasons of life. (2020). Infancy and Early Childhood [Video]. You Tube. Web.

Libretexts. (2021). 11.10: Theories of language development. Social Sci LibreTexts. Web.

Amy Morin, L. C. S. W. (2022). The 4 types of parenting styles and how Kids Are Affected. Verywell family. Web.

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