Persuasive Essay on Veterans

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Persuasive Essay on Veterans

Donald Trump has strong beliefs on how United States veterans should be treated and handled. He firmly believes that veterans are a top priority in our society, and should be respected and recognized. Since his presidential inauguration in 2016, Trump has notably decreased veteran unemployment and signed multiple acts regarding veterans safety and rights, one of which being the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act. This Act will create a safer and more comfortable environment for veterans when requesting disability benefits from Veterans Affairs. Another significant bill he has endorsed is the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Education Assistance Act, which helps veterans receive education benefits. This Act has supplied high-quality education and housing to thousands of veterans nationwide. Trump remains committed to providing the choicest services and benefits that our courageous veterans are entitled to. He believes that veterans are the heroic embodiment of America and deserve the best life that we can offer them.

As America approaches more conflict every day, it is crucial to our nation that our future leader needs to be able to handle defense situations in America. Therefore, Donald Trump is working tirelessly to make America a safer place for all citizens. Trump has significantly increased the defense budget since his election in 2016 and prioritized defeating terrorist organizations such as ISIS. He believes that a strong defense is essential for proper national security, and works continuously to expand our military forces. In 2018, Trump approved $700 billion into the Department of Defense to reconstruct the American military force, the highest amount ever seen by any President. He has also increased the pay for soldiers by 2.4%, the largest seen in almost a decade. Meanwhile, Trump has signed a Presidential Memorandum to utterly destroy ISIS and its territory in Iraq and Syria, which has proved to be highly effective. Nearly a third of ISISs land has been demolished since his inauguration in 2016. In all, Trump is endlessly dedicated to providing American citizens the safety they are entitled to, and he displays this through his relentless efforts toward a dominant defense.

Donald Trump believes that to protect our citizens, we must enforce laws on immigration in America. His ultimate plan is to create a wall around the Southern border to entirely prevent illegal immigration and smuggling. Through his wall, federal agents have taken hold of around a million pounds of narcotics smuggled across the border. The barrier protects American citizens and blocks potential threats from entering the United States. Trump has also launched the Office of Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) to support individuals affected by crimes committed by illegal aliens, as well as an executive order based around internal security. Both of these orders aim to protect the citizens of our nation from harm and danger. In FY 2017, ICE removed 226,117 illegal aliens, further preventing crime and smuggling from across the border. Trump believes that there is zero tolerance for criminal immigration and that it is a national crime that should be punished. Therefore, he opposes the Catch-and-Release policy, once again believing that illegal aliens should be charged for their actions. Trump believes that if our nation wants to protect our people, we must put a stop to illegal immigration and smuggling.

Donald Trump strongly believes in strengthening the economy and increasing the number of jobs available to the average American. A notable bill he has signed is the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which has provided more than 4.8 million workers with increased wages and bonuses. This Act primarily benefits the average working citizen, granting tax cuts and raised earnings to those eligible. Additionally, Trump has reduced the unemployment rate to 3.8%, the lowest percentage seen in 19 years. This lowering rate is primarily due to his implementation of over 3 million jobs nationwide, providing millions of Americans with the ability to support their families financially. Trump has also endorsed the Reciprocal Trade Act, an act preventing unfair tariffs on American products. Previously, our nation has imposed tariffs on goods that are far lower in cost compared to what other countries impose. With this Act, the numbers will be less drastic, creating a fairer and freer trade environment for the average citizen. Donald Trump believes for our country to become wealthy and prosperous, we must shift our focus towards producing more jobs for Americans, as well as creating a more equitable trade environment for all.

Donald Trump is a firm believer in equal learning opportunities for all and enthusiastically displays this in his efforts regarding education. He is continuously fighting for school regulations that protect the learning individual. Since 2016, The Department of Education has already recognized and rescinded 600 useless regulations, creating a freer and safer environment for the average student. Trump also strongly believes in school vouchers: a system that would allow parents to choose between a private or public school education for their child, with the cost being covered by the state government. This way, every child, no matter their background, has access to quality private education where students can use their academic skills to the best of their ability. Trump passionately believes that parents should have the right to school choice and that the federal government has no right to interfere with education. To create a nation that is genuinely for the people, we must leave it up to parents to decide what is best for their children. Donald Trump believes just this; that every child should have an equal opportunity to be the best they can be, no matter their status or income.

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