Storytelling As An Effective Communication Tool

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Storytelling As An Effective Communication Tool

Stories are the fabric of our lives. They help us make sense of what we are, where we come from and what we want to be (Soin & Schyett 2006). It is part of human experience. When people share their stories, listeners naturally focus their attention, engaging in the tellers experience. The deliberate and effective use of storytelling establishes links between participants and sets the stage for high performance (Kahan, 2006).

The Merriam-Webster defines communication as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour. Effective communication in this day and age is very important. There are three main types of communication, verbal, nonverbal and visual. Storytelling falls under the verbal category. The Narrative Paradigm Theory, developed by Walter Fisher suggests that all humans are storytellers and all meaningful communication is in the form of stories. We have a long history of oral/verbal communication. Folklore and lessons were passed down through the generations via storytelling.

Storytelling enhances the communication process. It allows a clearer transfer of ideas and adds value to conversations. Walter Fisher mentions that listeners can relate to these stories based on personal values and shared past experiences (Barker & Gower 2010). Stories assist in clarifying key values and help in demonstrating the way things are done in an organisation. How effective the oral communication is will depend on the speed, volume, pitch, voice modulation, clarity of speech and also the non-verbal communications like visual cues and body language (EDUCBA).

The Storytelling Model of Organizational Communication introduced in the article Strategic Application of Storytelling in an Organisation integrates the Organizational Diversity Continuum to recognize the importance of heterogeneity and time (Barker & Gower 2010). With the growing diversity in the workplace there is a need for effective communication across all levels. Differences in age, gender, race, culture, and employees who speak English as a second language present challenges in communication. In a small company such as the one that I work for, the business partners are expatriates then we have the management team, lawyers and support staff who are nationals. The flow of information comes either from the partners, administration manager or finance manager via electronic mail. Staff meetings are a rarity. My co-workers are from different ethnicities with different cultural backgrounds and most if not all speak English as a second language. Email communication within the office can at times be misinterpreted by the receiver. I found that telephone conversations and or face-to-face communication is explicable and allows for quicker feedback and correction.

A survey conducted by About.Com found that the top three reasons why people do not like their jobs were communication related. Poor communication breeds uncertainty and doubt, it turns into rumours, gossip and or even resentment and causes low productivity (Eisenhauer, 2015).

According to statistics published online by Bluesource, the cumulative cost per-worker per-year resulting in communications barriers is £19,666 (Lawrence, 2018). Poor cultural communication skills have been shown to create countless negative consequences such as lost business, lost productivity and damages to a companys reputation (Barker & Gower, 2010).

Storytelling can be used when introducing changes, establishing and shifting of power, sharing complex ideas, selling products services and ideas, a call to action and in organizational leadership. Stories make ideas or concepts more relatable to the receiver. They can show cause and effect for instance in the New Testament of the Bible Jesus often taught lessons using parables to describe His relationship with God and with His followers.

There is a story told called the Parable of the Three Servants. A master who is about to go on a journey, puts his servants in charge of his property. According to each of their abilities he gives them gold coins. To one he gives five thousand gold coins, to another two thousand and to the last, one thousand. He then leaves for his journey. The servant, who received the five thousand coins, invests his money and earns another five thousand. The servant who received the two thousand coins invested his portion and earned another two thousand. But the servant who received the one thousand decided to bury the money his master gave him. After some time the master returns and settles accounts with them. In turn each servant came to see the master. He was very pleased with the two servants who managed double what was given to them. Then the third servant came in and spoke with the master, he said, I know you are a very hard man, I was afraid and so I hid your money in the ground. The master told him, You lazy servant, you should have deposited my money in the bank and I would have received it all back with interest when I came back. Now take the money away from him and give it to the one who has ten thousand coins. For to every person who has something, even more will be given and he will have more than enough but the person who has nothing; even the little that he has will be taken from him. And the lazy servant was thrown out into the dark (Mat 25:14-30, Good News Bible 1998). An interpretation of this story, Jesus (the master) entrust his believers with his gifts (salvation, promise of eternal life etc.) And he goes away (his impending crucifixion and resurrection/ascension). Upon his return he takes into account all that you as a believer have done. Separating and rewarding the faithful and casting aside the unfaithful.

Such stories that teach ethics and morals are known in Tok Pisin as tok piksa/bokis. The stories told often refer back to everyday situations to make clearer the message or idea and they can also affect decision making.

I agree with the notion that the strategic application of storytelling can lead towards effective communication in diverse organisations especially in multi-national organizations. Smaller companies do face the obstacles however hardly ever does it become an issue. In the company that I am currently employed with, when we need to explain banking procedures to other colleagues, storytelling comes in handy. Examples can be given without the usual banking terms/jargon to simplify for instance the business account opening process. I found that storytelling was a necessary part of my job when I worked as a bank officer. I was able to communicate at the customer level and in turn when reporting to our line manager and department head. Senior staff and managers with the skill set to communicate effectively on all levels are an asset. Everyone will be on the same page working towards the common organisational goals and it promotes innovativeness and productivity.

Its through storytelling that connections, engagement and trust are built. Its the art of taking a core message or idea and transforming it into something that resonates with the audience, resulting in them believing in, caring about and acting on the message or idea (Arisheh, 2018).

Author Robert McKee said storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today. When I read this quote I immediately thought of Walt Disney and Theodor Giesel more commonly known by his penname Dr Seuss and how their stories have influenced generations. My favourite Dr Seuss book is The Lorax; its about looking after and caring for the environment and how greed can be very destructive. Disney movies I discovered were based on much darker stories or novels. For example the original creator of Pinocchio developed the character for a newspaper comic or serial story with the goal of showing children what will happen if you are naughty. The initial version of Pinocchio was mischievous and cruel and when the cricket tried to give him some good advice Pinocchio killed him. Luckily Walt Disney puts his own twist on these stories, making the endings light hearted.

How well a story is told and how often it is told and its relevance can determine whether the message or idea is remembered or not. Take for instance the advertisements or jingles that come on the television or radio. They are under thirty to sixty seconds in length, precise and are played once or twice during an interval. After an hour or two you can recall the basic details for a product or service.

There are other tools that aide in effective communication. Storytelling is a powerful and often underused medium for internal communication between employers and employees (Arisheh, 2018). More emphasis should be placed on this skill in the workplace. When inducting new team members, stories can introduce them to the company or organisations culture and let them know what is specifically required from them. This gives them the direction and confidence needed to perform given tasks and their daily duties. For staff engagement, companies regardless of size need to hold regular staff meetings where everyone is given a chance to air their views and grievances. Even a couple of days before a meeting put out a question box for employees to drop their questions for the management team to answer during the meeting. A happy and engaged team equals productivity.

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